Human skeletal evolution through the lens of gene regulation


02 ביוני 2024, 12:00 
Human skeletal evolution through the lens of gene regulation


האגודה הישראלית לביולוגיה ורפואה של השלד  The Israel Society of Skeletal Biology and Medicine





Advances in Skeletal Biology and Medicine 2024


The Israeli Society of Skeletal Biology and Medicine (ISSBM) is pleased to announce the upcoming

virtual meetings conference proceeding in "Advances in Skeletal Biology and Medicine 2024".

Special Guest Lecture 2 

July 2nd, 2024, 12:00 (noon) 


David Gokhman

Department of Molecular Genetics  The Weizmann Institute of Science


Title: " Human skeletal evolution through the lens of gene regulation"



To receive a link for the talks, kindly register by sending an email to:, by May 23rd 2024 Only registered individuals will be sent an invitation with a link to join the seminars Each seminar is 30 min +10 Min for Q&A

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