Chronicles of Tumor Immunity: scRNA-seq Unveils Immunotherapy Mechanisms and a Metastatic Divide


28 בפברואר 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 
GoldschlegerSchool of Dental Medicine Building, Seminar room 451 
Chronicles of Tumor Immunity: scRNA-seq Unveils Immunotherapy Mechanisms and a Metastatic Divide

You are kindly invited to attend a seminar
at the Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Dr. Ido Yofe


Chronicles of Tumor Immunity: scRNA-seq Unveils Immunotherapy Mechanisms and a Metastatic Divide

Wednesday 28.2.24,

GoldschlegerSchool of Dental Medicine Building,

Seminar room 451, at 10:00(Sharp)


If you would like to arrange a meeting with the speaker, please contact


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