Integrative approaches for detection and targeting Triple-Negative Breast Cancer


28 ביולי 2024, 13:15 - 14:30 
At Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences Building, Room 927 
Integrative approaches for detection and targeting Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Department of Cell & Developmental Biology    
Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences

Prof. Sima Lev
Department of Molecular Cell Biology
Weizmann Institute of Science


"Integrative approaches for detection and targeting Triple-Negative Breast Cancer”


The Seminar will take place on 
Sunday, July 28th, 2024 at 13:15 PM
At Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences Building, Room 927
Refreshments will be available from 12:50
if you want to meet Sima, please contact Avi Ashkenazi


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