Call for Funded Research Internships

Funded Research Internships at the Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences at Tel Aviv University


Exceptional students from anywhere in the world are invited to apply!


Who can apply?

We’re excited to welcome outstanding young scientists who have completed their BSc or MSc studies or are in their final year, in the fields of biological/ medical sciences, and are considering conducting a Ph.D. Applicants are expected to possess outstanding academic records and research experience.


What will you get?

A two-month immersive research experience in an outstanding world- class university. Undertaking your own research project with amazing mentors in a stimulating environment. Interacting with students and principal investigators in the Faculty in informal settings. Full flight ticket reimbursement as well as housing and living allowance of up to $2000.



Why Choose Us?

As the largest and most diverse Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences in Israel, we pride ourselves on fostering cutting-edge research led by globally renowned scientists and a diverse cohort of local and international students. Our state-of-the-art facilities boast the latest scientific equipment, with access to clinical samples sourced from Israel’s premier hospitals. Moreover, Tel Aviv, an international metropolis, offers picturesque beaches, a bustling nightlife, and a progressive atmosphere.


How to Apply?

Two steps:

  1. Identify a lab aligned with your interests by searching here or here and contact the principal investigator directly by email to secure a sponsor. 
  2. Upload the following documents here: with the subject "International Funded internship application": i. CV, ii. BSc diploma and transcripts, iii. MSc diploma and transcripts (including partial records, if applicable), iv. A 1-page cover letter outlining your research interests and motivation for joining the program, and a Letter of support from a principal investigator in the Faculty.



Call for Funded Research Internships - pdf

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>