From mechanisms to evolution: Understanding genetic variation with long-read sequencing

special seminar

24 בדצמבר 2024, 10:15 - 12:00 
School of Medicine Building, Room 119 
From mechanisms to evolution: Understanding genetic variation with long-read sequencing

You are cordially invited to a special seminar of the Department of Human molecular Genetics and Biochemistry


Regev Schweiger, PhD
University of Cambridge 
United Kingdom


“From mechanisms to evolution: Understanding genetic variation with long-read sequencing”


Abstract: Patterns of genetic variation we observe today hold echoes of the ancestral events that shaped them. Population genetics - the study of genetic variation - offers a window into this past, providing insights across evolutionary biology, history, and human health. Advances in long-read sequencing technology, combined with the rapid decrease in sequencing costs, open new avenues for studying genetic variation. In my talk, I will focus on two such examples: First, how long-read sperm sequencing is uncovering new insights into meiotic recombination, with emphasis on non-crossover recombination. Second, algorithms based on coalescent theory for recovering evolutionary histories, with applications ranging from the deep evolutionary history of humans to detecting natural selection on genetic variants.

The Seminar will take place on
Tuesday, December 24th, 2024 at 10:15
At the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
School of Medicine Building, Room 119


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