How to Enhance Sex Determination?


30 ביוני 2024, 12:50 - 14:00 
At Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences Building, Room 927 
How to Enhance Sex Determination?


You are cordially invited to a seminar of the
Department of Cell & Developmental Biology    
Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences
Nitzan Gonen, Ph.D. 
The Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences
Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials,
Bar-Ilan University



“How to Enhance Sex Determination?”


The Seminar will take place on 
Sunday, June 30th 2024 at 13:15 PM
At Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences Building, Room 927
Refreshments will be available from 12:50
Nitzan would be happy to meet with PIs and students on Sunday
Please coordinate with Avi Ashkenazi:


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