פרופ' דורית רביד

אמריטוס בביה"ס לחינוך
סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג למודי הפרעות בתקשורת
ביה"ס לחינוך אמריטוס
פרופ' דורית רביד
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408626
פקס: 03-6409477
משרד: שרת, 303

מידע כללי

"To be “linguistically literate” means to possess a linguistic repertoire that encompasses a wide range of registers and genres. Once literacy is part of an individual’s cognitive system, it interacts with other components of linguistic knowledge to shape the emergence of its key property… rhetorical flexibility " (Ravid & Tolchinsky, 2002)


Professor Dorit Ravid is a linguist and psycholinguist working on first language acquisition and the development of linguistic literacy at the School of Education and the Department of Communications Disorders, Tel Aviv University. Her book Language change in child and adult Hebrew: A psycholinguistic perspective (NY, OUP) appeared in 1995. She has published extensively on early and later language acquisition of Hebrew (and Arabic) in typically developing and special populations.

קורות חיים


1971-1974 Tel Aviv University Linguistics B.A.  English literature

1974-1978 Tel Aviv University Linguistics M.A. cum laude

1980-1988 Tel Aviv University Linguistics Ph.D.


ניסיון מקצועי:


Hebrew/English Teacher, Yehud High School


Teacher, Teachers' Colleges (Hakibbutzim, Levinsky)


Instructor, Linguistics Department, Tel Aviv University


Visiting Professor, Linguistics Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada


School of Education & Department of Communications Disorders, Tel Aviv University


Head, Hebrew Teacher Training Program, School of Education, Tel Aviv University


Visiting Professor, Linguistics Department, Vienna University, Austria


Head, Unit for Language Instruction and Acquisition, School of Education, Tel Aviv University

2005 - 2006

International Francqui Chair, University of Antwerp, Belgium


Head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education, Tel Aviv University



בבית הספר לחינוך ע"ש קונסטנטינר :

Since 1993. 1993-1994: Visiting Lecturer; 1994-1998: Lecturer; 1998-2003: Tenured Senior Lecturer; 2003: Professor Chaver


מחקרים עיקריים בהווה ובעבר:

The acquisition of Hebrew (and Arabic) morphology in typically developing and in a range of disabilities; later language development; the acquisition of linguistic literacy; discourse development; the development of Hebrew spelling in gradeschool children; relating L2 to L1 knowledge.


הוראה : קורסים מייצגים בשנים האחרונות.

Linguistic Models

Contrastive Analysis

Spoken and Written Language

Language and Literacy in Schoolage Children


פעילות ותפקידים בהווה : כולל חברות בוועדות מרכזיות.

Overseas behavioral scientist nominee, British Psychological Society, April 2006

Head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education, 2006-

International Francqui Chair in the Humanities 2005, Francqui Foundation, University of Antwerp

Member, International Research Board, the Center for Language Acquisition at the University of Southern Denmark, 2005-

Associate Editor (Linguistics), Written Language and Literacy, 2004-

Editorial Board member (Literacy), Megamot, 2004-

Chair, Language and Literacy (SCRIPT) Executive Committee, 2005-

Editorial Board Member, Reading and Writing, 2005-

Editorial Board Member, Annals of Dyslexia, 2005-

Member (language development), Levin Committee on Literacy Instruction in Kindergarten, 2002-2005

Officer, International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Executive Committee, 1999-2005

תחומי מחקר והוראה

תחומי מחקר: רכישת לשון ראשונה ושנייה, רכישת האוריינות, התפתחות הלשון הכתובה, מבנה העברית החדשה, שונות לשונית, מבנה אורתוגרפיה.


תחומי הוראה: בלשנות, לשון עברית



Ravid, D. 2006. Semantic development in textual contexts during the school years: Noun Scale analyses. Journal of Child Language, 33 (4).

Ravid, D. 2006. Word-level morphology: A psycholinguistic perspective on linear formation in Hebrew nominals. Morphology, 16.

Ravid, D. & R. A. Berman. 2006. Information density in the development of spoken and written narratives in English and Hebrew. Discourse Processes, 41, 117-149.

Gillis, S. & D. Ravid. 2006. Typological effects on spelling development: a crosslinguistic study of Hebrew and Dutch. Journal of Child Language, 33, 621-659.

Ravid, D. 2005. Hebrew orthography and literacy. In R.M. Joshi & P.G. Aaron (Eds.),

          Handbook of orthography and literacy. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 339-363.

Ravid, D. 2004. Later lexical development in Hebrew: derivational morphology revisited. In R.A. Berman (ed.) Language development across childhood and adolescence: Psycholinguistic and crosslinguistic perspectives, TILAR series. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 53-82.

Ravid, D. & H. Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot (eds.) 2004. Perspectives on language and language development. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Ravid, D. 2004. Emergence of linguistic complexity in written expository texts: Evidence from later language acquisition. In D. Ravid & H. Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot (eds.), 337-355.

Ravid, D. & L. Tolchinsky. 2002. Developing linguistic literacy: A comprehensive model. Journal of Child Language, 29, 419-448.

Levin, I., D. Ravid & S. Rapaport. 2001. Morphology and spelling among Hebrew-speaking children: From kindergarten to first grade. Journal of Child Language, 28, 741-769.