פרופ' אדוארד רם

סגל אקדמי קליני בכירורגיה
בי"ס ללימודי המשך ברפואה
כירורגיה סגל אקדמי קליני
פקס: 04-9556565

מידע כללי

Edward Ram, M.D.

Director of pelvic floor and proctology services

Department of Surgery, Rabin Medical Center, Campus Golda

קורות חיים

EDUCATION                                                              Date

 Period                University                               Subject           Degree          Awarded

1980-1986         Lublin Medical School,        Medicine        MD                 1986




Period                 Institution                               Department                         Rank/Function

1994-1995         Rabin Medical Center-        Surgery                                           Tutor

                            Golda Campus


1995                   Rabin Medical Center-        Israeli licensing course     Lecturer

                            Golda Campus                     for new immigrant doctors


1999                   Rabin Medical Center          Animal Research               Licensed


2000                Department of Nursing        Dina Academic School               Lecturer                                                                                                                                                                          

                        Tel Aviv University               of Nursing


2003             Intensive course on Transanal endoscopic Microsurgery

                     Universitatsklinikum Tubingen Germany


2004              Sacral nerve stimulation for bowel dysfunction : training course

                      St. Mark’s Hospital. London, England


2005                Member of Clark ship committee.  Tel-Aviv University  


2006               Tel-Aviv University                                Lecturer  


2006               Tel-Aviv University                Medical  Student Examinetor 

2007               Good clinical practice (GCP) course Rabin Medical Center.

2008              Animal Researchers course Rabin Medical Center. 

2008               Contour Transtar  Clinical workshop Eticon endo surgery Hamburg

2010               Tel-Aviv University                         Senior Lecturer  

      2011               laparoscopy colorectal master class Covedian European training center             


2011                Member of research steering committee Rabin Medical Center

2011               Member of Team for review young doctor research and grants permission.

                        Rabin Medical Center

2011                Director of pelvic floor and proctology services Rabin Medical Center




Period                 Institution                               Department        Rank/Function


1987-1988         Rabin Medical Center-                                     Rotating

                            Golda Campus                                                  Internship

1991-1997         Rabin Medical Center-        General               Resident

                            Golda Campus                     Surgery

1998-1999         Rabin Medical Center-        Surgery A           Chief

                            Golda Campus                                                  Resident

2000-2004         Rabin Medical Center-        Surgery A           Senior

                            Golda Campus                                                  Surgeon

7/2004 -6/2005   Nazareth Hospital – Nazareth.                 Head of surgical department     

8/2005              Rabin Medical Center- Surgery A                     Senior

                            Golda Campus                                                  Surgeon







44-   Prince S, Zeidman A, Dekel Y, E. Ram, Koren R.

        Expression of epithelial cell adhesion molecule in gallbladder carcinoma and its  

         correlation with clinicopathologic variables.

         Am J Clin Pathol. 2008 Mar;129(3):424-9.


45-     Issa N, Dreznik Z, Dueck DS, Arish A, E. Ram, Kraus M, Gotman M, Neufeld D.

   Emergency Surgery for Complicated Acute Diverticulitis.

   Colorectal Dis. 2008 May 3.198-202.


46-   Gil-Ad I, Zolokov A, Lomnitski L, Taler M, Bar M, Luria D, E. Ram, Weizman A.

        Evaluation of the potential anti-cancer activity of the antidepressant sertraline in   

        human colon cancer cell lines and in colorectal cancer-xenografted mice.

        Int J Oncol. 2008 Aug;33(2):277-86.


47-  Gil Ohana,Zeev Dreznik,Nahle Bishara,E. Ram

        The impact of postoperative intensive care on mortality and morbidity of elderly

        patients following colorectal surgery. Gerontol. Pol. 2008; 16: 35–40


   48-  E. Ram, Dan alper, Elie Atar, Inna Tsitman, Gil Ohanna.

 Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection:A new surgical treatment for obstructed defecation  syndrome our preliminary results. Isr Med Assoc J (IMAJ). Vol.12 fibruary 2010- 74-76


  49-   E. Ram ,Gideon Y. Stein, Zeev Dreznik,Aliza Zeidman

          Trends in Admissions to Surgical wards in a Peripheral Hospital in Israel

      Conexiuni Medicali.vol.4(16),38-50 december 2010.


50-    Zeidman A. Neumann G. Dekel Y. Horowitz A. Hadar T. Stein G. E. Ram. Rath-

        Wolfson l.

          Expression of C-Kit receptor in transitional cell carcinoma of urinary bladder and its 

       correlation with clinico-pathological variables. Conexiuni Medicali.vol.4(16),38-50

         December 2010.


    51- Iancu I. Poreh A. Kotler M. Strous R. E. Ram.

                  Comparison of admission and inpatient services utlization between Jewish and Arab  

                   Israeli patients. Conexiuni Medicali.vol.2(18),12-23  June 2010.



52- Rath-Wolfson L, Ram E, Zeidman A, Koren R. The phenomen of squamous

      metaplasia in benign and malignant lesion of the breast.

      Conexiuni  Medicali Vol 3,  (19), 29-44 October 2010.


53- Kravarusic D, Bubis R, Ram E, Rath-Wolfson L, Koren R. Morphological changes in

      lymph node after preoperative chemoiradiation of rectal cancer.

      Conexiuni  Medicali  Vol 3, (19), 29-44 October 2010.


54- Ram E, Alper D, Stein G, Atar E, Rath-Wolfson L. Functional activity of the internal 

      anal sphincter following haemorrhoidectomy.A long term manometric study.

      Conexiuni Medicali Vol 5, No 4, December 2010.


55- Iancu I, Sarel A, Avital A, Abdo B, Joubran S, Ram E. Shyness and social phobia in  

        Israeli Jewish vs Arab students.

        Compr Psychiatry. 2011 Feb 7. 


56- Rath-Wolfson Lea, Leikin Anna, Elyashiv Simcha, Ram Edward, Koren Rumelia Benign metastasizing leiomyoma,. Conexiuni Medicali Vol 6,No 1 March 2011.


57- Dekel Yoram,Rath-Wolfson Lea, Bubis Roy, Neumann Gad, Mushibaev Yakov, Ram  

     Edward, Koren Rumelia : Expression of her-2/neu oncogen in localized prostatic  

      adenocarcinoma and its prognostic significance. Conexiuni Medicali Vol 6,No 1

      March 2011.


  1. Rath-Wolfson L, Purim O, Ram E, Morgenstern S, Koren R, Brenner B.

         Expression of Estrogen β1 in Colorectal Cancer and its correlation to   

       clinicopathological variables. Oncology Reports 2012 Jun;27(6):2017-22


  59- Patchornik S, Ram E, Ben Shalom N, Nevo Z, Robinson D. Chitosan-hyaluronate                       

        Hybrid gel intraarticular injection delays osteoarthritis progression and reduced pain

        In rat menisectomy model as compared to saline and hyaluronate treatment.    

         Advanced in  Orthopedic  2012 May 7.


   60. Maayan R*, Ram E*, Biton D, Cohen H, Baharav E, Strous RD, Weizman A.

         (equal contribution). The influence of DHEA pretreatment on prepulse inhibition

        and the HPA-axis stress response in rat of spring exposed prenatally to  

         polyribinosinic polyribocytidylic acid (PIC).

         Neuroscience Letters 2012 May 19.   


    61- Stein GY, Rath-Wolfson L, Zeidman A, Atar E, Marcus O, Joubran S, Ram E.

          Sex differences in the epidemiology,seasonal variation, and trends in the

          Management of patients with acute appendicitis.

          Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2012 Jun 2    


62-    Eli Atar, Chaim Neiman, Ram Edward, Mazal Almog,  Itai Gadiel, Alexander

         Belenky.  Percutaneous trans papillary elimination of common bile duct stones 

         utilizing existent gallbladder drain for access.

         Israel Medical Association Journal   


63-    Haim Krissi, Ram Eitan, Ram Edward, Yoav Peled  . Diagnostic delay in secondary  

         care for lower urinary tract  and pelvic organ prolapse symptoms in women.

          Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2012 Jul;286(1):115-8 


   64. Haim Krissi,  Ram Eitan,  Ram Edward, Yoav Peled. How accurate is preoperative           

         evaluation of pelvic organ prolapse in women undergoing vaginal reconstruction 

          surgery. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e47027  


 65 -Rath-Wolfson L, Michael Bergman,Yaacov Ori,Alex Goldman, Ram Edward, Rumelia    

       Koren,Hertzel Salman. Expression of cyclin E in stage III colorectal carcinoma.

       Oncology letters 2012 Jun;27(6):2017-22


66-    Joubran Samia, Marcus Ohad, Ianco Iulian, Hartman Tova,Abraham Weizman,Rath-  

         Wolfson Lea & Ram Edward. Israeli-Arab Parents' Attitude toward the Sex  

         Education That Their  Children Learn at School;

         Conexiuni Medicali:October 2012,vol 7, No3.23-30.


67-   Rath-Wolfson Lea,Bubis Roy,Shvero Asaf,Ghinescu Minerva, Ram Edward.

       Over expression of metalloproteinase-1 in human colonic carcinoma and its  

        prognostic value. Conexiuni Medicali:October 2012,vol 7, No3.7-12



68- Edward Ram, Ohad Marcus ,Samia Joubran, Basheer Abdo, and Nabih R. Asal,

       Prevalence of Obesity Among Arab School Children In Nazareth, Israel: Comparison 

       with National (Jewish) and International Data.

       International journal of Pediatric Obesity 2013 Mar 19     



      A consecutive controlled  Clinical series comparing the efficacy of high molecular weight hyaluronan injections  performed in a blind fashion and under ultrasound- guidance in the treatment of knee   osteoarthritis. EuropenJournal Musculoskeletal Disorders. Vol. 1, no. 1, 3-10 (2012)


70 - Joubran Samia, Marcus Ohad, Hartman Tova, Rath-Wolfson Lea,Weizman Abraham,  

       Ram  Edward. Parent's attitudes toward adolescent premaritial sexual intercourse in   

        the Israeli Arab Sector. Conexiuni Medicali Nr.1 (29). March 2013


71-  Lauren Gorelick, Ayala Rozano-Gorelick, Dror Robinson, Ohad Marcus, Samia

        Joubran, Edward Ram.Treatment of Hip Trochanteric Bursitis Using Hyaluronate

       Injections. Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune  Diseases, 2013, 3,  




1-     Rath-Wolfson, Ofer Purim, Edward Ram, Sara Morgenstern, Rumelia Koren and

        Baruch Brenner. Expression of Estrogen β1 in Colorectal Cancer and its correlation to   

       clinicopathological variables Journal of Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology. Volume17  October,2011


2-     Iancu I, Bodner E, Joubran S & Ram E, Social Anxiety Disorder and perfectionism.          

Abstract published in Israel Journal of Psychiatry supplement 

     49(1), 2012, p.45.