Felix Mor, M.D, Ph.D, Associate Professor
Deputy Head, Department of Medicine B
Beilinson Medical Center,
Petah Tiqva, Israel
Felix Mor, M.D, Ph.D, Associate Professor
Deputy Head, Department of Medicine B
Beilinson Medical Center,
Petah Tiqva, Israel
1972 - 1979 Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical School,
Jerusalem, Israel.
1979 - 1980 Rotating Internship, Hadassah Medical Center,
Jerusalem, Israel.
Doctoral Dissertation:"Evaluation of systolic time interval
measurements as a parameter of left ventricular function in
coronary artery disease with regional ventricular asynergy”.
Supervisor: Dr. B.S. Lewis.
1987 Department of Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of
Science - one year rotation performing research in
experimental autoimmune diseases.
1990-1995 Ph.D. student, Department of Cell Biology, Weizmann
Institute of Science. Title of Ph.D. thesis: “The immune response to myelin basic protein in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
: epitopes, T cell receptor gene usage and regulation”
under the supervision of Prof. Irun R. Cohen
1995-7 Post-Doctoral studies in the lab of Prof. Laurence Steinman
Department of Immunology, Weizmann Institute.