ד"ר עידו תבור

סגל אקדמי בכיר באנטומיה ואנתרופולוגיה
אנטומיה ואנתרופולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
ד"ר עידו תבור
טלפון פנימי: 4420
פקס: 073-3804421
משרד: רפואה-סאקלר, 631


Senior Lecture, Department of Anatomy & Anthropology, Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences

Affiliated, Sagol School of Neurosciemce


Functional and Structural Brain Connectivity using MRI

Work in our lab is focused on exploring the relations between brain structure, function and behavior using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We're using state-of-the-art MRI methodologies to study inter- and intra- subject variability in brain connectivity and use behavioral experiments to study whole-brain neuroplasticity.


Specifically, we develop models to predict individual differences in brain activity and human behavior from brain structure and connectivity measurements. We also study learning-related brain plasticity by developing behavioral tasks that induce functional and structural brain modifications and investigate the underline mechanisms of functional neuroplasticity as measured with fMRI. We also work on advanced statistical modeling of MRI data.


Selected Publications

Madar A, Kurtz-David V, Hakim A, Levy D, Tavor I. (2024). Choice inconsistency is predicted from pre-acquired functional connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience, 44:18, 1-11

Aridan N*Bernstein-Eliav M*Gamzu DTik NTavor I. (2023). Neuroanatomy in Virtual Reality: Development and Pedagogical Evaluation of Photogrammetry-based 3D Brain Models. Anatomical Sciences Education, 2023;00:1-10 

Tik NGal SMadar ABen-David TBernstein-Eliav MTavor I. (2023). Generalizing prediction of task-evoked brain activity across datasets and populations. Neuroimage, 276: 120213

Bernstein-Eliav MTavor I. (2022). The Prediction of Brain Activity from Connectivity: Advances and Applications. The Neuroscientist, p.10738584221130974

Gal S, Tik N, Bernstein-Eliav M, Tavor I. (2022). Predicting Individual Traits from Unperformed Tasks. Neuroimage, 249: 118920

Gal S, Coldham Y, Bernstein-Eliav M, Tavor I. (2022). Act natural: Functional connectivity from naturalistic stimuli fMRI outperforms resting-state in predicting brain activity. Neuroimage, 258: 119359

Salomon T, Cohen A, Barazany D, Ben-Zvi G, Botvinik-Nezer R, Gera R, Oren S, Roll D, Rozic G, Saliy A, Tik N, Tsarfaty G, Tavor I#, Schonberg T#, Assaf Y#*. (2021). Brain volumetric changes in the general population following the COVID-19 outbreak and lockdown. Neuroimage, 239: 118311 

Tik N, Livny A, Gal S, Weiser M, Gigi K, Tsarfaty G, Tavor I. (2021). Predicting Individual Variability in Task-Evoked Brain Activity in Schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping, 42(12): 3983-3992 

Malovani CFriedman N, Ben-Eliezer N, Tavor I. (2021). Tissue Probability Based Registration of Diffusion MRI. (2021). Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, jmri.27654 

Meningher IBernstein-Eliav M, Rubovitch V, Pick CG, Tavor I. (2020). Alterations in Network Connectivity Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice. Journal of Neurotrauma, 37(20): 2169-2179

Tavor I, Botvinik‐Nezer R, Bernstein‐Eliav M, Tsarfaty G, Assaf Y*. (2020). Short‐term plasticity following motor sequence learning revealed by diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Human brain mapping, 41(2) 442-452 

Tavor I, Parker Jones O, Mars RB, Smith SM, Behrens TEJ, Jbabdi S. (2016). Task-free MRI predicts individual differences in brain activity during task performance. Science, 352: 216-220.

Tavor I, Yablonski M, Mezer A, Rom S, Assaf Y, Yovel G. (2014). Separate parts of occipito-temporal white matter fibers are associated with recognition of faces and places. Neuroimage, 86:123-130

Tavor I, Hofstetter S, Assaf Y. Micro-structural assessment of short-term plasticity dynamics. (2013). Neuroimage, 81:1-7 

Sagi Y*Tavor I* (*Equal contribution), Hofstetter S, Tzur-Moryosef S, Blumenfeld-Katzir T, Assaf Y. (2012). Learning in the fast lane: new insights into neuroplasticity. Neuron, 73(6):1195-1203