Dubovi, I., Levy, S.T. & Dagan, E. (2015). The Contribution of Computerized Simulation to Medication Dosage Calculation Skills. Guf Yeda, 13, 4-12. (in Hebrew, included in the VATAT list).
Dubovi I, Levy ST, & Dagan E. (2017). Now I know how! The learning process of medication administration among1. nursing students with non-immersive desktop virtual reality simulation. Computers & Education, 113, 16-27.
Dubovi I, Dagan E, Sader-Mazbar O, Nasar L, & Levy ST. (2018). Nursing Students Learning the Pharmacology of Diabetes Mellitus with Complexity-Based Computerized Models: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Nurse Education Today, 61, 175-181.
Levy S.T, Peleg R, Ofeck E, Tabor N, Dubovi I, Bluestein S, & Ben-Zur H. (2018). Designing for discovery learning of complexity principles of congestion by driving together in the traffic Jams simulation. Instructional Science, 46, 105-132.
Dubovi I. (2018). Designing for online computer-based clinical simulations: evaluation of instructional approaches. Nurse Education Today, 69; 67-73
Dubovi I, Levy, S.T. & Dagan, E. (2018). Situated Simulation Based Learning Environment to Improve Proportional Reasoning in Nursing Students. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1-19.
Dagan, E., Dubovi, I., Levy, M., Zuckerman‐Levin, N., & Levy, S. T. (2019). Adherence to diabetes care: knowledge of biochemical processes has a high impact on glycemic control among adolescents with type‐1 diabetes. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Dubovi, I. (2019). Online Computer-Based Clinical Simulations: The Role of Visualizations. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 33, 35-41.
Dubovi, I., & Lee, V. R. (2019). Instructional support for learning with agent-based simulations: A tale of vicarious and guided exploration learning approaches. Computers & Education, 142.
Lee, V. R., & Dubovi, I. (2019). At Home With Data: Family Engagements With Data Involved in Type 1 Diabetes Management. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 1-21.
Dubovi, I., Levy, S. T., Levy, M., Zuckerman Levin, N., & Dagan, E. (2020). Glycemic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Are computerized simulations effective learning tools? Pediatric Diabetes.
Dubovi, I., & Tabak, I. (2020). An empirical analysis of knowledge co-construction in YouTube comments. Computers & Education, 103939.
Amit Aharon, A., Ruban, A., & Dubovi, I. (2020). Knowledge and information credibility evaluation strategies regarding COVID-19: A cross-sectional study. Nursing Outlook.
Aharon, A. A., Dubovi, I., & Ruban, A. Differences in mental health and health-related quality of life between the Israeli and Italian population during a COVID-19 quarantine. Quality of Life Research, 1-10.
Dubovi, I., & Tabak, I. (2021). Interactions between emotional and cognitive engagement with science on YouTube. Public Understanding of Science, 0963662521990848.
Dubovi, I. (2022). Cognitive and emotional engagement while learning with VR: The perspective of multimodal methodology. Computers & Education, 104495.
Dubovi, I. (2022). Learning with virtual reality simulations: direct versus vicarious instructional experience. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-13.
Dubovi, I., Ruban, A., & Amit Aharon, A. (2022). The Role of Science-Based Knowledge on the SARS-CoV-2 Virus in Reducing COVID-19-Induced Anxiety among Nurses. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), 7070.
Dubovi, I., & Itzhaki, M. (2022). Playing the Role of a Nurse in a Virtual Reality Simulation: A Safe Environment for Emotion Management. Nurse Educator, 10-1097.doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001269
Dubovi, I. & Adler., I. (2022) The impact of COVID-19 induced anxiety on students’ engagement while learning with online computer-based simulations: the mediating role of boredom. Interactive Learning Environments. DOI:
Liberman, L., & Dubovi, I. (2022). The effect of the modality principle to support learning with virtual reality: An eye‐tracking and electrodermal activity study. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
Tabak, I., & Dubovi, I. (2023). What drives the public's use of data? The mediating role of trust in science and data literacy in functional scientific reasoning concerning COVID-19. Science Education, 1– 30.
Dubovi. I. (2023). Facial expressions capturing emotional engagement while learning with desktop VR: the impact of emotional regulation and personality traits. Interactive Learning Environments. DOI:
Borer, H., & Dubovi, I. (2023). Fostering childbirth education on upright positions and mobility during labor in nulliparous women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 23(1), 870. DOI:
Merav Siani, Ilana Dubovi, Anna Borushko & Michal Haskel-Ittah (2024) Teaching immunology in the 21st century: a scoping review of emerging challenges and strategies, International Journal of Science Education, DOI:
Saban, M., & Dubovi, I. (2024). A comparative vignette study: Evaluating the potential role of a generative AI model in enhancing clinical decision‐making in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Naor, A. P., & Dubovi, I. (2025). Nurse-led inpatient education using a gamification approach for patients with mental illness: A quasi-experimental study. International Journal of Nursing Sciences.