פרופ' יסכה מנספילד

אמריטוס בביה"ס לבריאות הציבור
מופקד על קתדרה בדיקאנט ומנהל הפקולטה לרפואה
ביה"ס לבריאות הציבור אמריטוס
פרופ' יסכה מנספילד
טלפון פנימי: 03-6407576
טלפון נוסף: 03-6407337


Professor, Department of Health Promotion, School of Public Health, Tel Aviv University

Co-Director, Minerva Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the End of Life 




2003 M.B.A. in Business Administration   George Washington University, Washington, DC
1980  Post-Doc in Clinical Psychology NYU Med Center, Inst. Of Rehab Medicine, NY, NY
1979  Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY
1978   M.A. in Clinical Psychology State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY
1976   M.A. in Statistics Hebrew University, Jerusalem
1974     B.A. in Psychology & Statistics Hebrew University, Jerusalem




  • Gerontological Society of America:
  • GSA Fellow, Behavioral and Social Sciences Section
  • American Psychological Association:
  • Division 12 - Clinical Psychology; APA Fellow 
  • Division 20 - Adult Development and Aging; APA Fellow
  • American Geriatrics Society
  • Israel Psychological Association
  • Israel Gerontological Society
  • International Psychogeriatric Association:  elected to Board of directors
  • American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry



Current research projects:

  • Delineating the End of Life Stage of Life
  • Confronting the gap between the good death and the usual death
  • The relationship between the working conditions of foreign caregivers, the quality of the relationship between caregiver and care-receiver and the quality of caregiving
  • Understanding psychotic symptoms in persons with dementia and improving dementia care
  • Improving quality of end of life


Selected Pubilcations

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, Khin Thein, Maha Dakheel-Ali, and Marcia S Marx. 2010. “The Underlying Meaning of Stimuli: Impact on Engagement of Persons with Dementia.” Psychiatry Research 177 (1-2) (May 15): 216–222. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2009.02.010.

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, Dov Shmotkin, Nitza Eyal, Yael Reichental, and Haim Hazan. 2010. “A Comparison of Three Types of Autobiographical Memories in Old-old Age: First Memories, Pivotal Memories and Traumatic Memories.” Gerontology 56 (6): 564–573. doi:10.1159/000295113.

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, Marcia S Marx, Khin Thein, and Maha Dakheel-Ali. 2010. “The Impact of Past and Present Preferences on Stimulus Engagement in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia.” Aging & Mental Health 14 (1) (January): 67–73. doi:10.1080/13607860902845574.

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, Maha Dakheel-Ali, and Marcia S Marx. 2009. “Engagement in Persons with Dementia: The Concept and Its Measurement.” The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: Official Journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry 17 (4) (April): 299–307. doi:10.1097/JGP.0b013e31818f3a52.

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, and Julia Frank. 2008. “Relationship Between Perceived Needs and Assessed Needs for Services in Community-dwelling Older Persons.” The Gerontologist 48 (4) (August): 505–516.

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, and Steven Lipson. 2008. “The Utility of Pain Assessment for Analgesic Use in Persons with Dementia.”Pain 134 (1-2) (January): 16–23. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2007.03.023.

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, and Steven Lipson. 2008. “Which Advance Directive Matters? An Analysis of End-of-Life Decisions Made in Nursing Homes.” Research on Aging 30 (1) (January 1): 74–92. doi:10.1177/0164027507307925.

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, and Philip W Wirtz. 2007. “Characteristics of Adult Day Care Participants Who Enter a Nursing Home.”Psychology and Aging 22 (2) (June): 354–360. doi:10.1037/0882-7974.22.2.354.

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, and Steven Lipson. 2006. “To Hospitalize or Not to Hospitalize? That Is the Question: An Analysis of Decision Making in the Nursing Home.” Behavioral Medicine (Washington, D.C.) 32 (2): 64–70. doi:10.3200/BMED.32.2.64-70.

Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska, Aleksandra Parpura-Gill, and Hava Golander. 2006. “Salience of Self-identity Roles in Persons with Dementia: Differences in Perceptions Among Elderly Persons, Family Members and Caregivers.” Social Science & Medicine (1982)62 (3) (February): 745–757. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.06.031.