פרופ' אסנת בארי

בדימוס במחלקות קליניות
מחלקות קליניות בדימוס

מידע כללי

Osnat Bairey M.D

Head Chronic Leukemia Service

Institute of Hematology , Davidoff Cancer Center

Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital

קורות חיים


                     1976‑1983: University of Tel-Aviv, Sackler Faculty of Medicine. M.D. degree- Cum Laude.

                       6‑9/1980 Immunological Research In Palo Alto Medical Research Center under Dr. Jack Remington. California, USA.

                     9/88‑3/89 Weizmann Institute Rehovot, Israel.Department of Cell Biology. Basic Sciences Research. Project: " Long Term Bone Marrow Cultures " under Prof. Dov Zipori.

                     8/93-8/95 University of California San Diego (UCSD) Cancer Center with Dr. Martin Haas, Postdoctoral Fellowship: “In vivo suppression of subcutaneous tumors, using liposome mediated transfer of tumor                                     suppressor genes”.

                      10/2006 "Gene Microarray Tecnology" and other technical aspects related to advanced hematooncological diagnosis, Elias Campo, Chief, Department of Pathology and Hematopathology Unit, Hospital Clinic,                               University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

                     9-10/2008 Central nervous system lymphomas- observership, Lisa Deangelis, Memorial Slaon Kettering Cancer Center, New-York. USA.



                  4/1989-10/2001 Instructor in Hematology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.

                  10/2001- Lecturer in Hematology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University.

                  10/2006- Senior Lecturer in Hematology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University



                  1983‑1984 Internship. Assaf Harofe Medical Center, Zerifin Israel. 

                  1985‑1986 Residency. Internal Medicine Department B. Meir Hospital (now Sapir Medical Center), Kfar Saba - Israel.

                  1986‑1987 Residency  Internal Medicine Department E. Beilinson Medical Center, Petach Tikva - Israel.

                   7/87‑3/90 Fellow in Hematology. Unit of Hematology. Beilinson Medical Center, Petach Tikva Israel.

                   3/1990- Pres.   Hematology Specialist, Hematology Division, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Petach Tikva, 49100 Israel.

                    1/2004-8/2004 Acting Director of Hematology Institute, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus.

                   2/2005-2/06 Director of Lymphoma Service Hematology Institute Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus.

                    3/2006- Director of Chronic Leukemias Service Hematology Institute Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital.

תחומי מחקר

Research areas

Pathogenesis, clinical characteristic and prognosis of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.


Pathogenesis, clinical characteristic and prognosis of patients with non-Hodgkins lymphoma including extranodal lymphomas and primary CNS lymphoma.

Lymphoproliferative diseases in the very elderly patients.

Participation in numerous clinical trials involving new therapeutic approaches.


    List of publications 2007-2012

1. Ferreri AJ, Dognini GP, Campo E, Willemze R, Seymour JF, Bairey O, Martelli M. et al. Variation in clinical presentation, frequency of hemophagocytosis and clinical behavior of intravascular lymphoma diagnosed in different geographical regions.

    Haematologica. 92: 486-492, 2007.

2. C. Perry, Y. Herishanu, U. Metzer, O. Bairey, R. Ruchlemer, L. Trejo, E. Naparstek, EE. Sapir, A. Polliack.

     Diagnostic accuracy of PET/CT in patients with extranodal marginal zone MALT lymphoma.

     Eur J Haematol.;79 (3):205-9, 2007.

3. I. Pazgal, O. Boycov, O. Shpilberg, E. Okon, O. Bairey.

      Expression of VEGF-C, VEGF-D and their receptor VEGFR-3 in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas.

      Leuk Lymphoma. 2007 Oct 6:1-8.

4. AJ Ferreri, GP Dognini, O. Bairey, A. Szomor, C. Montalban, B. Horvath, J. Demeter, L,. Uziel

     The addition of rituximab to antracycline-based chemotherapy significantly improves outcome in “western” patients with intravascular large B-cell lymphoma.

     British Journal of Haematology 2008; 143: 253-257.

  5. A. Dortort Lazar, O. Shpilberg, M. Shaklai, O. Bairey. Salvage Chemotherapy with           Dexamethasone, Etoposide, Ifosfamide and Cisplatin (DVIP) for Relapsing and Refractory Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

       The Israel Medical Association Journal  11: 16—22, 2009.

 6. O. Bairey, A. Vanichkin. O Shpilberg. Arsenic-trioxide-induced apoptosis of chronic   lymphocytic leukemia cells. International Journal of Laboratory Hematology.

     Int J Lab Hematol. 2010 Feb;32(1 Pt 1):e77-85.

7.  A. Broyde, O. Boycov, Y. Strenov, E. Okon, O. Shpilberg, O. Bairey.

Role and prognostic significance of the Ki-67 index in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

American J. Hematology 2009; 84: 338-343.

8. O. Wolach, O. Bairey, M. Lahav.

Late-onset neutropenia after rituximab treatment: case series and comprehensive review of the literature.

Medicine (Baltimore) 2010; 89: 308-318.

9. O. Bairey, R. Ruchlemer , N. Rahimi-Levene, Y. Herishanu, A. Braester, A. Klepfish. A. Berrebi, A.  Polliack,  L. Shvidel. Presenting Features and Outcome of Elderly Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients Diagnosed at the Age of 80 Years or Above. An ICLLSG study.

    Annals of Hematology 2011 ;90(10):1123-9.


10. L. Shvidel, A. Braester , O. Bairey, N. Rachimi-Levine, A. Klepfish, Y. Herishanu, M. Shtalrid, A. Polliack, A. Berrebi

     Survival trends among 1325 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia seen over the past 40 years in Israel.

   Am J Hematology. 2011 Dec;86(12):985-92


11. Shvidel L, Braester A, Bairey O, Rahimi-Levene N, Herishanu Y, Tadmor T, Klepfish A,

    Ruchlemer R, Shtalrid M, Berrebi A, Polliack A; Israeli CLL Study Group.

    Cell surface expression of CD25 antigen (surface IL-2 receptoe alpha-chain) is not a prognostic

    marker in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: result of a retrospective study of 281 patients.

    Ann Hematol. 2012 Oct;91(10):1597-602.

12. Bairey O, Goldschmidt N, Ruchlemer R, Tadmor T, Rahimi-Levene N, Yuklea M, Shvidel L,

 Berrebi A, Polliack A, Herishanu Y; the Israeli Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Study Group


Insect-bite-like reaction in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a study from the Israeli Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Study Group

Eur J Haematol. 2012 89 (6) : 491-6.

13. Bairey O, Bar-Nathan M, Shpilberg O.

Early death in patients diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Ann Hematology 2013; 92 (3): 345-50.

14. Shvidel L, Tadmor T, Braester A, Bairey O, Rahimi-Levene N, Herishanu Y, Klepfish A, Shtalrid

 M, Berrebi A, Polliack A; on behalf of the Israeli CLL Study Group (ICLLSG).

Pathogenesis, prevalence, and prognostic significance of cytopenias in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

 (CLL): a retrospective comparative study of 213 patients from a national CLL database of 1,518 cases.

Ann Hematol. 2012 Dec 29

15. Tadmor T, Shvidel L, Aviv A, Ruchlemer R, Bairey O, Yuklea M, Herishanu Y, Braester A, Levene

 N, Vernea F, Ben-Ezra J, Bejar J, Polliack A; on behalf of the Israeli CLL Study Group.

Significance of bone marrow reticulin fibrosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia at diagnosis: A study of

 176 patients with prognostic implications.

Cancer. 2013 Feb 19.



1. O. Bairey

Role and prognostic significance of the Ki-67 index in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

European Journal of Clinical & Medical Oncology 2: 109-116, 2010

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