פרופ' אורן פרוכטר

סגל אקדמי קליני ברפואה פנימית
בי"ס ללימודי המשך ברפואה
רפואה פנימית סגל אקדמי קליני
פרופ' אורן פרוכטר
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408445
פקס: 03-6354174

מידע כללי

Oren Fruchter MD, FCCP                                       

Director of  Interventional  Bronchoscopy, The Pulmonary Division, Rabin Medical Center

קורות חיים




BSc.  The Hebrew University and Hadassah School of Medicine


The Hebrew University and Hadassah School of Medicine Jerusalem Israel




Rambam Health Care Campus Internal Medicine (Cum Laude)


Rambam Health Care Campus Pulmonary Medicine (Cum Laude)


  Clinical Fellowship, The University of Heidelberg, The Thoraxklinik, Interventional pulmonology fellowship, Heidelberg, German



academic and professional experience


  1. The Technion School of Medicine Clinical Lecturer


  1. The Pulmonary Division Rabin Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Senior physician  in Pulmonary Medicine


  1. Member of Kupat –Holim Committee for technological equipment
  1. in pulmonary medicine


  1. Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel – Senior Clinical Lecturer


  1. The Pulmonary Division Rabin Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Director  Interventional Bronchoscopy

תחומי מחקר

Research Interests


  • Endobronchial techniques for palliation of benign and malignant airway lesions
  • The molecular basis of glucocorticoids action in target tissues and its intracellular regulatory mechanisms.
  • The susceptibility of synthetic glucocorticoids to hGRb (Human glucocorticoid-beta) transdominant negative effect.
  • The role of 11-ß-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Type-1 in modulating cortisol bioactivity in various human cell lines.
  • The predictive Value of various Challenge tests for Asthma.
  • Bronchoscopic Treatment Options for Emphysema




Rambam Health Care Campus, Grant for clinical interventional pulmonology fellowship, ThoraxKlinik, Heaildelberg, Germany, 3000$, Oren Fruchter, Chief Fellow : Interventional Bronchoscopy


The European Respiratory Society, Grant for clinical interventional pulmonology fellowship, ThoraxKlinik, Heaildelberg, Germany, 1500$, Oren Fruchter. Chief Fellow : Interventional Bronchoscopy


Original Articles (2008- current)


1.O. Fruchter, M. Yigla.

Predictors of long-term survival in elderly patients hospitalized for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Respirology. 13:851-5, 2008. (IF : 1.853 ; 27/43)


2.O. Fruchter, M. Yigla.

Underlying aetiology of pulmonary hypertension in 191 patients: a single centre experience.

Respirology.13:825-31, 2008. (IF : 1.853 ; 27/43)


3.O. Fruchter, M. Yigla.

Response to bronchodilators after exercise challenge predicts bronchial hyperreactivity.

J Asthma. 45:353-6, 2008. (IF: 1.372 ; 33/43)


  1. O. Fruchter, M. Yigla.

Seasonal variability of the methacholine challenge test.

J Asthma.46: 1-4, 2009. (IF: 1.372 ; 33/43)


5.O. Fruchter, M. Yigla.

Cardiac troponin-I predicts long-term mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

COPD. 6:155-61, 2009.


6.O. Fruchter, M. Yigla.

Bronchodilator response after negative methacholine challenge test predicts future diagnosis of asthma.

J Asthma. 46:722-5, 2009. (IF: 1.372 ; 33/43)


7.O. Fruchter, E. Hardak, M. Yigla.

The response to bronchodilators in adults is not predictive of bronchial-hyperreactivity.

J Asthma. 46:455-9, 2009. (IF: 1.372 ; 33/43)


  1. E. Hardak , M. Yigla, I. AviviI, O. Fruchter , H. Sprecher , I. Oren.

Impact of PCR-based diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis on clinical outcome.

Bone Marrow Transplant. 44:595-9, 2009. (IF: 2.998 ; 22/61)


A. Solomonov , O. Fruchter , T. Zuckerman , B. Brenner , M. Yigla.

Pulmonary hemorrhage: A novel mode of therapy.

Respir Med. 103:1196-200, 2009. (IF: 2.525 ; 20/46)


M. Yigla , O.Fruchter , D. Aharonson , N. Yanay , SA. Reisner, M Lewin , F. Nakhoul

Pulmonary hypertension is an independent predictor of mortality in hemodialysis patients.

Kidney Int. 75:969-75, 2009. (IF: 6.193 ; 3/63)


O. Kagna , A. Solomonov , Z. Keidar , R. Bar-Shalom , O. Fruchter , M. Yigla, O. Israel , L. Guralnik.

The value of FDG-PET/CT in assessing single pulmonary nodules in patients at high risk of lung cancer.

Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 36:997-1004, 2009. (IF: 4.531 ; 7/104)


L. Fuks , O. Fruchter , A. Amital , BD. Fox, NA Rahman , MR Kramer.

Long-term follow-up of flexible bronchoscopic treatment for bronchial carcinoids with curative intent.

Diagn Ther Endosc. 782;961:1-4. 2010


NA. Rahman, O. Fruchter, D. Shitrit , BD. Fox, MR. Kramer.

Flexible bronchoscopic management of benign tracheal stenosis: long term follow-up of 115 patients.

J Cardiothorac Surg. 17;5:2-4, 2010. (IF: 0.908 ; 92/114)


  O. Fruchter , Y. Raviv,  BD. fox , MR Kramer .

Removal of Metallic Tracheobronchial Stents in Lung Transplantation with Flexible Bronchoscopy.

J Cardiothorac Surg. 2010 12;5:72. (IF: 0.908 ; 92/114)


O. Fruchter,  U Carmi, EP. Ingenito, Y Refaeli, MR. Kramer.

Transcutaneous Carbon Dioxide in severe COPD patients during Bronchoscopic lung Volume Reduction.

Reapiratory Medicine, 2010 Nov 27. (IF: 2.525 ; 20/46)


O. FruchterMR. Kramer,  T. Dagan, Y. Raviv,  NA.Rahman,  M. Saute,   E. Bruckheimer

 Endobronchial closure of Bronchopleural Fistulae with Amplatzer Devices – Our experience and literature review.

 CHEST . 2011; 139:682-687. (IF: 6.525 ; 3/46).


Y .Raviv, D .Shitrit, A .Amital, B .Fox, D . Rosengarten, O .Fruchter, I .Bakal, MR .Kramer. Lung cancer in lung transplant recipients: Experience of a tertiary hospital and literature review. 

        Lung Cancer. 2011 Apr 27 (IF: 3.356;61/184).


O. FruchterMR. Kramer,  T. Dagan, Y. Raviv,  NA.Rahman,  M. Saute,   E.     Bruckheimer

Endobronchial closure of Bronchopleural Fistulae with Amplatzer Vascular plug .

Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2011 May 18. (IF:2.293;49/184)


U Carmi, MR Kramer, D Zemtzov ,D  Rozengarten, O Fruchter.

Propofol safety in bronchoscopy: Prospective randomized trial using Trancutaneous PCO2 monitoring.

Respiration. 2011 Sep 16. (IF :2.543;18/46)


H  Magnussen, MR Kramer, AM Kirsten, C Marquette, A Valipour, F Stanzel, R Bonnet, J Behr, O Fruchter, Y Refaely, R Eberhardt, FJ Herth. 

Effect of fissure integrity on lung volume reduction using a polymer sealant* in advanced emphysema.                                                                                  

 Thorax. 2012;67:302-8. (IF: 6.625;2/46)


AM Allen, N Abdelrahman, D Silvern, E Fenig, O Fruchter, MR Kramer. Endobronchial brachytherapy provides excellent long-term control of recurrent granulation tissue after tracheal stenosis.                                            Brachytherapy. 2012 ;11: 322-6 (IF: 1.466;)


MR Kramer, Y Refaely, MM Maimon, D Rosengarten  , O Fruchter.  

Bilateral Endoscopic Sealant Lung Volume Reduction Therapy for Advanced Emphysema.

 Chest  2012 June (. (IF: 6.525 ; 3/46)


A Valipour, MR Kramer, F Stanzel, A Kempa, S Asadi, O Fruchter, R Eberhardt, FJ Herth, EP Ingenito. Physiological modeling of responses to upper versus lower lobe lung volume reduction in homogeneous emphysema. Front Physiol. 2012;3:387


O Fruchter, L Fridel, D Rosengarten, Y Raviv, V Rosanov, MR Kramer. Transbronchial cryo-biopsy in lung transplantation patients: First Report. Respirology. 2013 Jan 7

Case reports (2008-current)


O.Fruchter, Y. Benarie, A. Solomonov, N. Benyamini, M .Yigla.

Endobronchial obstruction resulting in severe respiratory failure – A rare manifestation of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Respiratory Medicine CME. 3: 241-243,2008.


O.Fruchter, M .Yigla
Severe respiratory insufficiency in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease following carbogen inhalation
Respiratory Medicine CME.3: 256-257,2008


 G. Berger, O.Fruchter
Minor trauma resulting in massive subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum
Respiratory Medicine CME. 2: 189-190,2009


. O.Fruchter, BD. Fox, Y.Raviv , MR. Kramer

Laser-assisted removal of aspirated thumbtacks by flexible bronchoscopy.

Diagn Ther Endosc  598;1-3, 2010


S. Hamoud, S. Srour, O. Fruchter, E. Vlodavsky, T. Hayek.

Lytic bone lesion: presenting finding of sarcoidosis.

Isr Med Assoc J. 12:59-60, 2010. (IF: 0.898 ; 80/132)

Review articles


O. Fruchter, MR Kramer, M Yigla. Benign Airway obstruction. Diagnosis and management. Israeli Journal of Medicine. March 2009.


O. Fruchter, MR Kramer. Bronchoscopic Treatment of Emphysema.

Harefuah  2012.

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