פרופ' גיל זלצמן

סגל אקדמי קליני בפסיכיאטריה
בי"ס ללימודי המשך ברפואה
פסיכיאטריה סגל אקדמי קליני


תפקידים ציבוריים בעבר ובהווה:

  • ראש החוג לפסיכיאטריה

  • פרופ' מן המניין בפקולטה לרפואה באוניברסיטת ת"א

  • יו"ר ועדת בריאות של אוניברסיטת ת"א

  • חבר ועדת הוראה חוגית

  • חבר בועדת הוראה פקולטטית

  • חבר ועדת הוראה בבי"ס ללימודי המשך וחבר בועדה מייעצת לראש החוג בלימודי המשך לילדים ונוער

  • מרכז לימודי המשך בפסיכיאטריה בפקולטה לרפואה (2007-2013)

  • פעיל ביותר בהוראת סטודנטים לרפואה בקלקרשיפ, בקורס למערכת העצבים, לסטודנטים בתוכנית ניו יורק, מתמחים בפסיכיאטריה ובפסיכיאטריה של הילד, לימודי המשך וביה"ס למקצועות הבריאות.

  • מנחה דוקטורטים ותארי MD ו MA (ראה קו"ח באנגלית)

  • עמית מחקר קבוע בפקולטה לרפואה באוניברסיטת קולומביה, ניו יורק

  • פרסם מאות פרסומים מדעיים מסוגים שונים בתחום הדכאון, הגנטיקה והאובדנות מתוכם 132 מאמרים אמפיריים מקוריים, 22 פרקים בספרים,  6 דיווחי מקרה, 38 מאמרי סקירה ו-  79 תקצירים בכנסים

  • ערך שני ספרים בינלאומיים בתחום דכאון ואובדנות בילדים ונוער

  • לשעבר סגן עורך  Israel Journal of Psychiatry


תפקידי ניהול (2000-2020)

  • מנהל בית החולים גהה (מ1.11.14)

  • סגן מנהל בית החולים (2005-2014)

  • מנהל חטיבת ילדים ונוער בגהה (2009-2014).

  • מנהל מחלקת יום לנוער, המרכז לבריאות הנפש גהה (מ2005 עד היום) רואה מטופלים על בסיס יומי.  

  • רפרנט לעניני פסיכיאטריה של הילד במנהלת הרפורמה בכללית


תפקידי ניהול ציבוריים ברמה לאומית

  • יו"ר המועצה הלאומית למניעת התאבדות (מ2013)

  • יו"ר האיגוד לפסיכיאטריה ביולוגית בישראל


תפקידי ניהול בינלאומיים

  • נשיא ה- International Academy for Suicide Prevention IASR

  • חבר בורד נבחר באיגוד האירופאי לפסיכיאטריה (EPA) 2010-2014

  • נשיא הסקציה לפסיכיאטריה של הילד באיגוד האירופאי לפסיכיאטריה (EPA)

  • חבר נבחר קדנציה שלישית בExecutive Committee- של הקולג' האירופאי לניורו-פסיכו-פרמקולוגיה (ECNP)- ארגון המאגד 8000 פסיכיאטרים וחוקרי מוח באירופה

  • יו"ר ועדת הוראה ב ECNP. 2 קדנציות (2013-2019). אחריות על תקציב בהיקף של כ 2 מיליון יורו להוראת מתמחים בפסיכאטריה בכל אירופה. הכנסת לומדות ללמידה מרחוק.

  • יו"ר הכנס האירופאי ה 13 למניעת התאבדויות בת"א עם יותר מ 1000 משתתפים מ 36 מדינות (2012)

  • יו"ר התוכנית האירופאית האחודה למניעת התאבדויות (European Union-expert platform on mental health)


תפקידים צבאיים

  • שירות סדיר: קורס טייס עד שלב קדם מכין ואח"כ מפקד החוליה הארצית של חייל הרפואה

  • שירות מילואים: בעבר מ"פ פלוגת רפואה קידמית (פלר"ק) בדרגת רס"ן . מ 2009 עד 2013 מפקד מרכז רפואי לתגובות קרב נפשיות בפיקוד צפון (מלת"ק). כיום יועץ (במיל. בהתנדבות) לראש אכ"א על התאבדויות חיילים ומניעתן

  • חבר בפורום מטכ"ל למניעת התאבדויות בצה"ל


קורות חיים

  • ראש החוג לפסיכיאטריה, הפקולטה לרפואה, אוניברסיטת ת"א הינו בוגר ביה"ס לרפואה של האוניברסיטה העברית והדסה. 
  • התמחות בפסיכיאטריה כללית: במרכז לבריאות הנפש גהה מקבוצת הכללית ואח"כ תת התמחות בפסיכיאטריה של הילד בבי"ח גהה ובמרכז לחקר הילד באוניברסיטת ייל בארה"ב עם פרופ' דונלד כהן ז"ל שהוביל את הפסיכיאטריה של הילד בארה"ב.
  • תואר שני במנהל מערכות בריאות:  אוניברסיטת בן גוריון, בהצטיינות יתרה
  • פוסט דוקטורט במחקר, בתחום ההתאבדות: אוניברסיטת קולומביה בניו יורק (עם פרופ' ג'ון מאן הדמות המובילה בעולם בחקר הנוירוביולוגיה של התנהגות אובדנית).
  • פרסומים: מעל 300 מאמרים מקצועיים, 166 מהם מאמרים מקוריים, עריכה של  שני ספרים בינלאומיים בתחום הגנטיקה של דכאון ואובדנות בצעירים.
  • פרופ' מן המניין בפקולטה לרפואה באוניברסיטת ת"א ועמית מחקר קבוע ( visiting professor )  במחלקה לפסיכיאטריה המובילה היום בעולם בפקולטה לרפואה באוניברסיטת קולומביה ו  .New York state Psychiatric Institute
  • נשיא האקדמיה העולמית לחקר האובדנות (IASR).
  • בעבר, נשיא (ברוטציה) של הסקציה לפסיכיאטריה של הילד באיגוד האירופאי לפסיכיאטריה .EPA
  • חבר בורד של האיגוד האירופאי לפסיכו-ניורו-פרמקולוגיה (ECNP) זו הקדנציה השלישית ויו"ר ועדת החינוך של האיגוד האירופאי, האחראי על הכשרת המתמחים בהתמחות בפסיכיאטריה באירופה.
  • יו"ר המועצה הלאומית למניעת אובדנות- המועצה מובילה תוכנית לאומית למניעת התאבדויות.
  • כיום מנהל המרכז לבריאות הנפש גהה, ובמקביל ממשיך לנהל את מחלקת יום לנוער ולראות מטופלים על בסיס יומי.



בעברו למד בפריז פנטומימה אצל אלה ז'רוסביץ בביה"ס של מרסל מרסו והופיע במרכז פומפידו בהופעות רחוב למחייתו.

יליד 1964. גדל בגבעתיים. נשוי ואב לשניים מתגורר ברמת השרון. רואה ממטופלים גם בקליניקה פרטית בהרצליה.

תחומי מחקר

  • הפרעות במצב הרוח בילדים ונוער
  • גנטיקה, נוירוביולוגיה ופרמקולוגיה של אובדנות ודכאון
  • אינטראקציה של גנטיקה וסביבה ביצירת דכאון בצעירים
  • מודל חיה לדכאון






<>1.Zalsman G, Aizenberg D, Sigler M, Nahshoni E, Weizman A.

Geriatric Depression Scale-Short Form. Validity and Reliability of the

Hebrew Version

Clinical Gerontologist 1998; 18(3):3-9
<>2.Zalsman G, Aizenberg D, Sigler M, Nahshony E, Karp L, Weizman A. 

Increased risk for dementia in elderly psychiatric inpatients with late-onset major depression.

J Nerv Ment Dis. 2000 Apr;188(4):242-3.
<>3.Zalsman G, Netanel R, Fischel T, Freudenstein O, Landau E, Orbach I, Weizman A, Pfeffer CR, Apter A. 

Human figure drawings in the evaluation of severe adolescent suicidal behavior.

J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2000 Aug;39(8):1024-31. 
<>4.Horesh N, Zalsman G, Apter A. 

Internalized anger, self-control, and mastery experience in inpatient anorexic adolescents.

J Psychosom Res. 2000 Oct;49(4):247-53
<>5.Zalsman G, Horesh N, Arzi R, Edelist D, Har Even D, Tyano S, Poustka F, Apter A. 

Psychosocial diagnosis in psychiatrically hospitalized adolescents.

Compr Psychiatry. 2001 May-Jun;42(3):223-7. 
<>6.Zalsman G, Frisch A, Bromberg M, Gelernter J, Michaelovsky E, Campino A, Erlich Z, Tyano S, Apter A, Weizman A. 

Family-based association study of serotonin transporter promoter in suicidal adolescents: no association with suicidality but possible role in violence traits.

Am J Med Genet. 2001 Apr 8;105(3):239-45. 
<>7.Nahshoni E, Aizenberg D, Sigler M, Zalsman G, Strasberg B, Imbar S, Weizman A. 

Heart rate variability in elderly patients before and after electroconvulsive therapy.

Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2001 Summer;9(3):255-60. 
<>8.Zalsman G, Weizman A, Carel CA, Aizenberg D. 

Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15): a sensitive and convenient instrument for measuring depression in young anorexic patients.

J Nerv Ment Dis. 2001 May;189(5):338-9.
<>9.Zalsman G, Frisch A, King RA, Pauls DL, Grice DE, Gelernter J, Alsobrook J, Michaelovsky E, Apter A, Tyano S, Weizman A, Leckman JF. 

Case control and family-based studies of tryptophan hydroxylase gene A218C polymorphism and suicidality in adolescents.

Am J Med Genet. 2001 Jul 8;105(5):451-7.
<>10.Valevski A, Ratzoni G, Sever J, Apter A, Zalsman G, Shiloh R, Weizman A, Tyano S. 

Stability of diagnosis: a 20-year retrospective cohort study of Israeli psychiatric adolescent inpatients.

J Adolesc. 2001 Oct;24(5):625-33. 
<>11.Gothelf D, Falk B, Singer P, Kairi M, Phillip M, Zigel L, Poraz I, Frishman S, Constantini N, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Apter A. 

Weight gain associated with increased food intake and low habitual activity levels in male adolescent schizophrenic inpatients treated with olanzapine.

Am J Psychiatry. 2002 Jun;159(6):1055-7. 
<>12.Hermesh H, Weizman A, Gur S, Zalsman G, Shiloh R, Zohar J, Gross-Isseroff R.

Alternation learning in OCD/schizophrenia patients.

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2003 Mar;13(2):87-91. 
<>13.Zalsman G, Carmon E, Martin A, Bensason D, Weizman A, Tyano S. 

Effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of risperidone in adolescents with schizophrenia: an open-label study.

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2003 Fall;13(3):319-27 
<>14.Zalsman G, Frisch A, Lev-Ran S, Martin A, Michaelovsky E, Bensason D, Gothelf D, Nahshoni E, Tyano S, Weizman A. 

DRD4 exon III polymorphism and response to risperidone in Israeli adolescents with schizophrenia: a pilot pharmacogenetic study.

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2003 May;13(3):183-5. 
<>15.Apter A, Horesh N, Gothelf D, Zalsman G, Erlich Z, Soreni N, Weizman A. 

Depression and suicidal behavior in adolescent inpatients with obsessive  compulsive disorder.

J Affect Disord. 2003 Jul;75(2):181-9. 
<>16.Nahshoni E, Aizenberg D, Sigler M, Strasberg B, Zalsman G, Imbar S, Adler E, Weizman A. 

Heart rate variability increases in elderly depressed patients who respond to electroconvulsive therapy.

J Psychosom Res. 2004 Jan;56(1):89-94. 
<>17.Zalsman G, Pumeranz O, Peretz G, Ben-Dor DH, Dekel S, Horesh N, Fischel T, Nahshoni E, Goldberg PH, Sever J, Apter A. 

Attention patterns in children with attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity.

ScientificWorldJournal. 2003 Nov 13;3:1093-107. 
<>18.Nahshoni E, Manor N, Bar F, Stryjer R, Zalsman G, Weizman A.

Alterations in QT dispersion in medicated schizophrenia patients following electroconvulsive therapy.

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2004 Mar;14(2):121-5. 
<>19.Nahshoni E, Aravot D, Aizenberg D, Sigler M, Zalsman G, Strasberg B, Imbar S, Adler E, Weizman A. 

Heart rate variability in patients with major depression.

Psychosomatics. 2004 Mar-Apr;45(2):129-34. 
<>20.Zalsman G, Huang YY, Harkavy-Friedman JM, Oquendo MA, Ellis SP, Mann JJ. 

Relationship of MAO-A promoter (m-VNTR) and COMT (V158M) gene polymorphisms to CSF monoamine metabolites levels in a psychiatric sample of caucasians: A preliminary report.

Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2005 Jan 5;132(1):100-3. 
<>21.Huang YY, Battistuzzi C, Oquendo MA, Harkavy-Friedman J, Greenhill L, Zalsman G, Brodsky B, Arango V, Brent DA, Mann JJ. 

Human 5-HT1A receptor C(-1019)G polymorphism and psychopathology.

Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2004 Dec;7(4):441-51. 
<>22.Zalsman G, Posmanik S, Fischel T, Horesh N, Gothelf D, Gal G, Sadeh A, Weizman A, Apter A. 

Psychosocial situations, quality of depression and schizophrenia in adolescents.

Psychiatry Res. 2004 Dec 15;129(2):149-57. 
<>23.Zalsman G, Frisch A, Lewis R, Michaelovsky E, Hermesh H, Sher L, Nahshoni E, Wolovik L, Tyano S, Apter A, Weizman R, Weizman A. 

DRD4 receptor gene exon III polymorphism in inpatient suicidal adolescents.

J Neural Transm. 2004 Dec;111(12):1593-603. 
<>24.Khait VD, Huang YY, Zalsman G, Oquendo MA, Brent DA, Harkavy-Friedman JM, Mann JJ. 

Association of serotonin 5-HT2A receptor binding and the T102C polymorphism in depressed and healthy Caucasian subjects.

Neuropsychopharmacology. 2005 Jan;30(1):166-72. 
<>25.Horesh N, Zalsman G, Apter A. 

Suicidal behavior and self-disclosure in adolescent psychiatric inpatients.

J Nerv Ment Dis. 2004 Dec;192(12):837-42. 
<>26.Zalsman G, Anderson GM, Peskin M, Frisch A, King RA, Vekslerchik M, Sommerfeld E, Michaelovsky E, Sher L, Weizman A, Apter A. 

Relationships between serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism, platelet serotonin transporter binding and clinical phenotype in suicidal and non-suicidal adolescent inpatients.

J Neural Transm. 2005 Feb;112(2):309-15. 
<>27.Sher L, Oquendo MA, Li S, Burke AK, Grunebaum MF, Zalsman G, Huang YY, Mann JJ.

Higher cerebrospinal fluid homovanillic acid levels in depressed patients with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder.

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2005 Mar;15(2):203-9.
<>28.Shoval G, Zalsman G, Polakevitch J, Shtein N, Sommerfeld E, Berger E, Apter A. 

Effect of the broadcast of a television documentary about a teenager's suicide in Israel on suicidal behavior and methods.

Crisis. 2005;26(1):20-4. 
<>29.Fennig S, Geva K, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Fennig S, Apter A. 

Effect of gender on suicide attempters versus nonattempters in an adolescent inpatient unit.

Compr Psychiatry. 2005 Mar-Apr;46(2):90-7. 
<>30.Sher L, Oquendo MA, Galfalvy HC, Grunebaum MF, Burke AK, Zalsman G, Mann JJ. 

The relationship of aggression to suicidal behavior in depressed patients with a history of alcoholism. 

Addict Behav. 2005 Jul;30(6):1144-53
<>31.Zalsman G, Molcho A, Huang Y, Dwork A, Li S, Mann JJ. 

Postmortem m-opioid receptor binding in suicide victims and controls. 

J Neural Transm. 2005 Jul;112(7):949-54.
<>32.Zalsman G, Frisch A, Baruch-Movshovits R, Sher L, Michaelovsky E, King RA, Fischel T, Hermesh H, Goldberg P, Gorlyn M, Misgav S, Apter A, Tyano S, Weizman A. 

Family-based association study of 5-HT(2A) receptor T102C polymorphism and suicidal behavior in Ashkenazi inpatient adolescents. 

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2005 Jul-Sep;17(3):231-8. 
<>33.Zalsman G, Misgav S, Sommerfeld E, Kohn Y, Brunstein-Klomek A, Diller R, Sher L, Schwartz J, Shoval G, Ben-Dor DH, Wolovik L, Oquendo MA. 

Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) and the Children's Depression Rating Scale-Revised (CDRS-R): reliability of the Hebrew version. 

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2005 Jul-Sep;17(3):255-7.
<>34.Turcin A, Turcin Z, Kumperscak HG, Zalsman G, Plesnicar BK. 

Suicide attempts among adolescents in northeastern Slovenia: a 25 year report. 

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2005 Jul-Sep;17(3):259-65. 
<>35.Brunstein-Klomek A, Orbach I, Meged S, Zalsman G. 

Self complexity of suicidal adolescents. 

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2005 Jul-Sep;17(3):267-73. 
<>36.Sher L, Oquendo MA, Galfalvy HC, Zalsman G, Cooper TB, Mann JJ. 

Higher cortisol levels in spring and fall in patients with major depression. 

Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2005 May;29(4):529-34.
<>37.Sher L, Oquendo MA, Conason AH, Brent DA, Grunebaum MF, Zalsman G, Burke AK, Mann JJ. 

Clinical features of depressed patients with or without a family history of alcoholism. 

Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2005 Oct;112(4):266-71. 
<>38.Tyano S, Zalsman G, Ofek H, Blum I, Apter A, Wolovik L, Sher L, Sommerfeld E, Harell D, Weizman A. 

Plasma serotonin levels and suicidal behavior in adolescents. 

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2006 Jan;16(1):49-57.
<>39.Carballo JJ, Oquendo MA, Garcia-Moreno M, Poza B, Giner L, Baca E, Zalsman G, Roche AM, Sher L. 

Demographic and clinical features of adolescents and young adults with

alcohol-related disorders admitted to the psychiatric emergency room.

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2006 Jan-Mar;18(1):87-96. 
<>40.Carballo JJ, Oquendo MA, Giner L, Garcia-Parajua P, Iglesias JJ, Goldberg PH, Zalsman G, Chaudhury SR, Sher L. 

Prevalence of alcohol misuse among adolescents and young adults evaluated in a primary care setting.

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2006 Jan-Mar;18(1):197-202
<>41.Shoval G, Zalsman G, Sher L, Apter A, Weizman A. 

Clinical characteristics of inpatient adolescents with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

Depress Anxiety. 2006;23(2):62-70. 
<>42.Schwartz-Stav O, Apter A, Zalsman G. 

Depression, suicidal behavior and insight in adolescents with schizophrenia.

Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2006 Sep;15(6):352-9 
<>43.Zalsman G, Hung YY, Oquendo MA, Burke AK, Hu XZ, Brent DA, Ellis SP, Goldman D, Mann JJ.

Association of a Triallelic Serotonin Transporter Gene Promoter region (5-HTTLPR), polymorphism with Stressful Life Events, and Severity of Depression.

Am  J Psychiatry, 2005 Sep;163(9):1588-93 
<>44.Sher L, Carballo JJ, Grunebaum MF, Burke AK, Zalsman G,  Huang YY, Mann JJ, Ocquendo MA

A prospective study of the association of cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolite levels with lethality of suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder

Bipolar Disorders 2006,8(5):543-550
<>45.Zalsman G, Arendt M, Braun M,  Grunebaum MF, Sher L, Burke AK, Brent, DA, Chaudhury SR, Mann JJ, Oquendo MA

A Comparison of the medical lethality of suicide attempts in bipolar and major depressive disorders

Bipolar Disord 2006,8(5):558-565
<>46.Shoval G, Sever J, Sher L, , Diller R, Apter A, Weizman A, Zalsman G

Substance use, Suicidality and Adolescent-onset Schizophrenia-an Israeli Ten-year Retrospective Study

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2006, 16(6):767-775
<>47.Shoval G, Zalsman G,  Nahshoni E, Weizman A

The use of Illicit substances in adolescent schizophrenia inpatients

Int J. Adolesc Med Health 2006; 18(4):643-648
<>48.Shoval G, Zalsman G, Apter A, Diller R, Sher L, Weizman A.

A ten years retrospective study of inpatient adolescents with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorders and substance use.

Compr Psychiatry. 2007 48(1):1-7 
<>49.Brunstein-Klomek A, Zalsman G, Apter A, Meged S, Har Even D, Diller R, Orbach I.

Self-Object Differentiation in Suicidal Adolescents.

Compr Psychiatry. 2007 48(1):8-13
<>50.Nahshoni E, Shpitzer S, Berant M, Shoval G, Zalsman G, Weizman A

QT interval and dispersion in very young children treated with antipsychotic drugs:  A retrospective chart review

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2007 17(2):187-194 
<>51.Sher L, Sperling D, Stanley BH, Carballo JJ, Shoval G, Zalsman G,  Burke AK, Mann JJ and Oquendo MA

Triggers for suicidal behavior in depressed older adolescents and young adults:  Do alcohol use disorders make a difference?

Int J. Adolesc Med Health 2007;19(1) 91-98
<>52.Wilson ST, Stanley B, Oquendo MA, Goldberg P, Zalsman G, Mann JJ

Comparing Impulsiveness, Hostility and depression in Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar II Disorder

J Clin Psychiatry  2007 (68) 10:1533-1539
<>53.Gothelf D, Aviram-Goldring, A, Burg M, Steinberg T, Mahajnah M, Frisch A, Fennig S, Zalsman G, Weizman A

Cognition, psychosocial adjustment and coping in familial cases of velocardiofacial syndrome

J Neural Transm 2007;114(11):1495-1501 
<>54.Arie M, Apter A, Orbach I, Yefet Y, Zalsman G

Autobiographical Memory, Interpersonal Problem solving and Suicidal Behavior in Adolescent Inpatients

Compr Psychiatry 2008;49(1):22-9 
<>55.Klomek AB, Orbach I, Sher L, Sommerfeld E, Diller R, Apter A, Shahar G, Zalsman G 

Quality of Depression among Suicidal Inpatient Youth.

Arch Suicide Res 2008;12(2):133-40.
<>56.Golubchik P, Sever J, Zalsman G, Weizman A

Methylphenidate in the treatment of female adolescents with cooccurrence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and borderline personality disorder: a preliminary open-label trial

Int Clin Psychopharmacol 2008: 23(4):228-31 
<>57.Manor I, Meidad S, Zalsman G, Zemishlany Z, Tyano S, Weizman A Objective Versus Subjective Assessment of Methylphenidate Response.

Child Psychiatry Hum Dev 2008 39(3):273-82 
<>58.Gorlyn M, Keilp JG, Grunbaum MF, Taylor BP, Oquendo MA, Bruder GE, Stewart JW, Zalsman G, Mann JJ

Neuropsychological Characteristics as Predictors of SSRI Treatment Response in Depressed Subjects

J Neural Transm 2008 115(8):1213-9 
<>59.Zalsman G, Huang Y, Oquendo MA, Brent DA, Giner L, Haghighi F, Burk AK, Ellis SP, Currier D, Mann JJ

No association of COMT Val158Met polymorphism with suicidal behavior or CSF monoamine metabolites in mood disorders

Arch Suicide Res 2008 12(4):327-35
<>60.Rotberg B, Kronenberg S, Carmel M, Frisch A, Brent D, Melhem N, Zalsman G, Apter A, Weizman A

Serotonin pathway genes polymorphisms and the clinical response to citalopram among children and adolescents

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2008 18(4):224
<>61.Zalsman G,  Mann MJ, Huang YY, Oquendo A, Brent DA, Burke AK, Ellis SP, Mann JJ

Wolframin gene H611R polymorphism: no direct association with suicidal behavior but possible link to mood disorders

Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 2009 33(4):707-10. 
<>62.Manor I, Gutnik I,  Ben Dor DH, Apter A, Sever J, Tyano S, Weizman A, Zalsman G

Possible Association between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Attempted Suicide in Adolescents – A Pilot Study

Eur Psychiatry 2010 (3):146-50. 
<>63.Nahshoni E, Sclarovsky s, Spitzer S, Zalsman G, Strasberg B, Weizman A

Early Repolarization in Young Children with ADHD versus normal Controls:  A Retrospective Preliminary Chart Review 

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2009 (6):731-5. 
<>64.Zalsman G, Patya, M, Frisch A, Ofek, H, Schapir L, Blum, I, Harel D, Apter A, Weizman, A, Tyano, S

Association of Polymorphisms of the serotonergic pathways with clinical traits of impulsive-aggression and suicidality in adolescents:  A multi-center Study

World J Biol Psychiatry 2011 (1):33-41 
<>65.Gilat Y, Ben-Dor DH, Magen A, Wolovick L, Vekslerchik M, Weizman A, Zalsman G

Trends in prescribing of psychotropic medications for inpatient adolescents in Israel:  A ten years retrospective analysis

Eur Psychiatry  2011, 26(4); 265-269. 
<>66.Rothman B, Opler M, Correll C, Pandurangi A, Kohegyi E, Zalsman G, Gatta T, Menlow N

Assessing the reliability of tanner staging in CNS trials:  A cross-cultural comparison of European, US, and Indian raters

Eur Neuropsychopharmacolo 2011 21(3):478 
<>67.Freudenstein O, Zohar A, Apter A, Shoval G, Weizman A, Zalsman G,

Parental Bonding in Severely suicidal Adolescent  Inpatients

Eur Psychiatry 2011; 26:504-7.
<>68.Shoval G, Feld-Olspanger J, Nahshoni E, Gothelf D, Misgav S, Manor I, Apter A, Zalsman G

Suicidal Behavior and Related Traits among Inpatient Adolescents with First-Episode Schizophrenia

Comp Psychiatry 2011; 52:596-9. 
<>69.Zalsman G, Rehavi M, Roz N, Laor N, Weizman A, Toren P

Altered Affinity of the platelet vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) in children with major depression

J Neural Transm 118(9); 1383-1387. 
<>70.Golubchik P, Sever J, Weizman A, Zalsman G

Methylphenidate treatment in pediatric patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and co-morbid trichotillomania – a preliminary report

Clin Neuropharmacol 2011, 34:108-110 
<>71.Zalsman G, Aslanov-Farbstein D, Rehavi M, Roz N, Vermeiren R, Laor N, Weizman A, Toren P

Platelet vesicular monoamine transporter 2 density in the disruptive disorder

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2011; 21(4): 341-344 
<>72.Manor I, Rozen S, Zemishlany Z, Weizman A, Zalsman G 

When Does it end? ADHD in the middle aged and older populations

Clin Neuropharmacol 2011; 34(4):148-154 
<>73.Valevski A, Zalsman G, Tzafrir S, Lipschitz-Elhawi R, Haklai Z, Weizman A, Shohat T

Rate of readmission and mortality risks of schizophrenia patients who were discharged against medical advice

Eur Psychiatry 2012; 27:496-9. 
<>74.Horesh N, Apter A, Zalsman G,

Timing. Quantity and quality of stressful life events in childhood and preceding the first episode of bipolar disorder 

J Affect Disord 2011;134(1-3): 434-437 
<>75.Leibovich V, Keilikhis Y, Barzilay A, Cohen D, Shoval G, Schapir L, Libman A, Shemesh R, Marcus I, Weizman A, Merrick J, Zalsman G

Level of training of nursing staff and the autonomy given to psychiatric inpatients:  A multi center study

Int J Adolesc Med Health 2011;23(1) 45-50
<>76.Shoval G, Nahshoni E, Gothelf D, Manor I, Golobchik P, Zemishlany Z, Weizman A, Zalsman G

Effectiveness and safety of Citalopram in hospitalized adolescents with major depression – A preliminary, 8 week fixed-dose, open label, prospective study.

 J Clin Psychopharmacology 2011; Sep 34(5):182-185 
<>77.Freudenstein O, Valevski A, Apter A, Zohar A, Shoval G, Nahshoni E, Weizman A, Zalsman G.

Perfectionism, Narcissism and depression in suicidal and non-suicidal adolescent inpatients. 

Compr Psychiatry  2012,  53(6) :746-752. 
<>78.Manor I, Vurembrandt N, Rozen S, Gevah D, Weizman A, Zalsman G

Low self-awareness of ADHD in adults using a self-report screening questionnaire

Eur Psychiatry 2012; 27:314-320. 
<>79.Galfalvy H*, Zalsman G*, Huang YY, Murphy L, Arango V, Mann JJ

A Pilot Genome-Wide Association and Gene Expression Array Study of Suicide with and without Major Depression

World J Biol Psychiatry 2013; 14:574-582.

*both authors contributed equally to this paper
<>80.Green T, Avda S, Dotan I, Zarchi O, Basel-vanagaite L, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Gothelf D. 

Phenotypic psychiatric characterization of children with Williams Syndrome and response of those with ADHD to methylphenidate treatment

Am J Med Genet B (NPG) 2012 Jan 159b(1):13-20.
<>81.. Relationship between ICD-10 psychosocial categories and psychiatric diagnosis in Israeli adolescents.

Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci 2011; 48:111-6 
<>82.Nahshoni E, Golubchik P, Glazer J, Sever J, Strasberg B, Imbar S, Shoval G, Weizman A, Zalsman G.

Late potentials in the signal-averaged electrocardiogram in pre-pubertal children with ADHD, before and after methylphenidate treatment.

Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2012; 21:75-8 
<>83., Apter A, Weizman A, Zalsman G. 

The use of mental health services by adolescent smokers: A nationwide Israeli study. 

Eur Psychiatry 2013; 28:269-75 
<>84., Weizman A, Zalsman G. 

Self versus maternal reports of emotional and behavioral difficulties in suicidal and non-suicidal adolescents: An Israeli nationwide survey. 

Eur Psychiatry 2013; 28:235-9 
<>85.Shoval G, Manor I, Nahshoni E, Weizman A, Zalsman G. 

Are names of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder more 'hyperactive'? 

Psychopathology 2012; 45:215-9 
<>86., Weizman A, Zalsman G. 

Gender differences in emotional and behavioral disorders and service use among adolescent smokers: A nationwide Israeli study. 

Eur Psychiatry 2013; 28:397-403 
<>87.Rotberg B, Kronenberg S, Carmel M, Frisch A, Brent D, Zalsman G, Apter A, Weizman, A. 

Additive Effects of 5-HTTLPR (Serotonin Transporter) and Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2 G-703T Gene Polymorphisms on the Clinical Response to Citalopram among Children and Adolescents with Depression and Anxiety Disorders. 

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2013; 23:117-22
<>88.<>89.Tsafrir S, Chubarov E, Shoval G, Levi M, Nahshoni E, Ratmansky M, Weizman A, Zalsman G.

Cognitive traits in inpatients adolescents with and without prior suicide attempts and non-suicidal self-injury.

Compr  Psychiatry 2014; 55:370-3 
<>90.Shoval G, Bar-shira O, Zalsman G, Mann JJ, Chechik G.

Transitions in the Transcriptome of the Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Systems in the Human Brain during Adolescence. 

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2014; 24:1123-32
<>91.Amit BH, Krivoy A, Mansbach-Kleinfeld, I, Zalsman G.   Ponizovsky AM, Hoshen M, Farbstein I, Apter A, Weizman A, Shoval G.

Religiosity is a protective factor against self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in Jewish adolescents:  Findings from a nationally representative survey.

Eur Psychiatry 2014; 29:509-13 
<>92.Horesh N, Sommerfeld E, Wolf M, Zubery E, Zalsman G. 

Father-Daughter Relationship and the Severity of Eating Disorders. 

Eur Psychiatry 2015; 30:114-20 
<>93.Shelef L, Fruchter E, Spiegel DO, Shoval G, Mann JJ, Zalsman G.

Characteristics of soldiers with self-harm in the Israeli Defense forces.

Arch of Suicide Research 2014; 18:410-18 

Insight and satisfaction with life among adolescents with mental disorders: Assessing associations with self-stigma and parental insight. 

Eur Psychiatry 2015; 30:329-33 
<>95.Amitai M, Zivony A, Kronenberg S, Nagar L, Saar S, Sever J, Apter A, Shoval G, Golubchik P, Hermesh H, Weizman A, Zalsman G.

Short-term effects of lithium on white blood cell counts and on levels of serum thyroid-stimulating hormone and creatinine in adolescent inpatients: a retrospective naturalistic study.

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2014;24:494-500 
<>96.Hasson-Ohayon, I, Tuval-Mashiach, R, Morag-Yaffe M, Gaziel, M, Schapir L, Zalsman G, Shoval G. 

Parents of adolescents with psychiatric disorders: Insight into the disorder, self-stigma and parental stress. 

Compr Psychiatry 2014; 55:1106-10 
<>97.Nahaliel S, Sommerfeld E, Orbach I, Weller A, Apter A, Zalsman G.

Mental pain as a mediator of suicidal tendency:  A path analysis.

Compr Psychiatry 2014; 55:944-51
<>98.Schonherz Y, Davidov M, Knafo A, Zilkha H, Shoval G, Zalsman G, Frisch A, Weizman A, Gothelf  D.

Shyness discriminates between children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and Williams syndrome and predicts emergence of psychosis in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.

J Neurodev Disord 2014; 6:3-8 
<>99.Krivoy A, Balicer RD, Feldman B, Hoshen M, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Shoval G.

Adherence to antidepressant therapy and mortality rates in ischaemic heart disease: cohort study. 

Br J Psychiatry 2015; 206:297-301 
<>100.Krivoy A, Balicer RD, Feldman B, Hoshen M, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Shoval G.

Adherence to antidepressants is associated with lower mortality:  a four-year population-based cohort study.

J Clin Psychiatry 2016; 77:e566-72 
<>101.Krivoy A, Balicer RD, Feldman B, Hoshen M, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Shoval G.

The impact of age and gender on adherence to antidepressants: a four year population based cohort study.

Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2015; 232:3385-90 
<>102.Amitai M, Sachs E, Zivony A, Remez R, Ben Baruch R, Amit BH, Kronenberg S, Apter A, Shoval G, Weizman A, Zalsman G.

Effects of long-term valproic acid treatment on hematological and biochemical parameters in adolescent psychiatric inpatients:  a retrospective naturalistic study.

Int clin psychopharmacol 2015; 30:241-8 
<>103.Landau Z, Hadi-Cohen R, Boaz M, Krivoy A, Amit BH, Zalsman G, Levi M, Shoval G. 

Risk factors for weight gain and metabolic syndrome in adolescents with psychiatric disorders: An historical prospective study.

J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 2015; 25:160-7
<>104.Sandler L, Sommerfeld E, Shoval G, Tsafrir S, Kemgin A, Laor N, Zalsman G. 

Effects of ethnicity on sub-clinical PTSD and depressive symptoms, following exposure to missile attacks in Israel - A pilot study. 

Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract 2015; 19:51-5
<>105.Keren M, Keren N, Eden A, Tsangen S, Weizman A, Zalsman G. 

The complex impact of five years of stress related to life-threatening events on pregnancy outcomes:  A preliminary retrospective study.

Eur Psychiatry 2015; 30:317-21
<>106.Spitzer S, Freudenstein O, Peskin M, Tyano S, Shrira A, Pearlson T, Eilam A, Zalsman G, Green T, Gothelf D.

The outcome of severe internalizing and disruptive disorders from preschool into adolescence: a follow-up study.

Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 2015; 52:100-6
<>107.Zalsman G, Gutman A, Shbiro L, Rosenan R, Mann JJ, Weller A.

Genetic Vulnerability, timing of short-term stress and mood regulation:  A rodent diffusion tensor imaging study.

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol  2015; 25:2075-85
<>108.Shelef L, Fruchter E, Hassidim A,  Zalsman G.

Emotional regulation of mental pain as moderator of suicidal behavior in military settings.

Eur Psychiatry  2015; 30:765-9 
<>109.Chubarov E, Sommerfeld E, Hermesh H, Shoval G, Weiser M, Zalsman G.

Dynamic occupation assessment of executive function in adolescents with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: An initial report.

Eur Psychiatry 2015; 30:894-9
<>110.Shoval G, Shbiro L, Hershkovitz L, Hazut N, Zalsman G, Mechoulam R, Weller A.

Pro-hedonic effect of cannabidiol in a rat model for depression.

Neuropsychobiology 2016; 73:123-9
<>111.Schapir L, Lahav T, Zalsman G, Krivoy A, Sever J, Weizman A, Shoval G.

Cigarette smoking, alcohol and cannabis use in patients with pervasive developmental disorders.

Substance Use and Misuse 2016; 51:1415-20
<>112.Zalsman G, Siman Tov Y, Tzuriel D, Shoval G, Barzilay R, Tiech Fire N, Mann JJ.

Psychological autopsy of seventy high school suicides: combined qualitative/quantitative approach. 

Eur Psychiatry 2016; 38:8-14
<>113.Zalsman G, Hawton K, Wasserman D, Van Heeringen K, Arensman E, Sarchiapone M, Carli V, Hoschl C, Barzilay R, Balazs J, Purebl G, Kahn JP, Saiz PA, Bursztein lipsicas C, Bobes J, Cozman D, Hegerl U, Zohar J.

Suicide prevention strategies revisited: Ten year systematic review.

Lancet Psychiatry 2016; 3:646-59
<>114.Schapir L, Zalsman G, Hasson-Ohayon I, Gaziel M, Morag-Yaffe M, Sever J, Weizman A, Shoval G.

Suicide, satisfaction with life and insight capacity among adolescents with mental disorders:  A preliminary study.

Crisis:  The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 2016; 24:1-6
<>115.Zalsman G, Weller A, Shbiro L, Barzilay R, Gutman A, Weizman A, Mann JJ, Wasserman J, Wasserman D.

Fibre tract analysis using diffusion tensor imaging reveals aberrant connectivity in a rat model of depression.

World J Biol Psychiatry 2016; 7:1-9
<>116.Peskin M, Sommerfeld E, Basford Y, Rozen S, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Manor I.

Continuous performance test is sensitive to a single methylphenidate challenge in preschool children with ADHD. 

J Atten Disord. 2016. [Epub ahead of print]
<>117.Zalsman G, Shoval G, Mansbach-Kleinfeld I, Farbstein I, Kanaaneh R, Lubin G, Apter A.

Maternal versus adolescent reports of suicidal behaviors:  A nationwide survey in Israel. 

Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2016; 25:1349-1359
<>118.Madjar N, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Lev-Ran S, Shoval G

Predictors of developing mathematics anxiety among middle-school students: A 2-year prospective study

Int J Psychol. 2016 [Epub ahead of print]
<>119.Mekori-Domachevsky E, Guri Y, Yi J, Weisman O, Calkins ME, Tang SX, Gross R McDonald-McGinn DM, Emanuel BS, Zackai EH, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Gur RC, Gur RE, Gothelf D.

Negative subthreshold psychotic symptoms distinguish 22q11.2 deletion syndrome from other neurodevelopmental disorders: A two-site study.

Schizophr Res. 2016; 188:42-49. 
<>120.Zalsman G, Hawton K, Wasserman D, van Heeringen K, Arensman E, Sarchiapone M, Carli V, Höschl C, Winkler P, Balazs J, Purebl G, Kahn JP, Sáiz PA, Bobes J, Cozman D, Hegerl U, Rancāns E, Hadlaczky G, Van Audenhove C, Hermesh H, Sisask M, Peschayan AM, Kapusta N, Adomaitiene V, Steibliene V, Kosiewska I, Rozanov V, Courtet P, Zohar J

European Evidence-Based Suicide Prevention Program [EESPP]Group by the Expert Platform on Mental Health, Focus on Depression. Evidence-based national suicide prevention taskforce in Europe: A consensus position paper.

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2017; 27:418-421.
<>121.Caraci F; Enna SJ, Zohar J, Racagni G, Zalsman G, van den Brink W, Kasper S, Koob GF, Pariante CM, Piazza PV, Yamada K, Spedding M, Drago F. 

A New Nomenclature for Classifying  Psychotropic Drugs. 

Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2017; 83:1614-1616.
<>122.Madjar N, Zalsman G, Ben Mordechai TR, Shoval G.

Repetitive vs. occasional non-suicidal self-injury and school-related factors among Israeli high school students. 

Psychiatry Res. 2017; 257:358-360.
<>123.Krivoy A, Stubbs B, Balicer RD, Weizman S, Feldman B, Hoshen M, Zalsman G, Hochman E, Shoval G. 

Low adherence to antidepressants is associated with increased mortality following stroke: A large nationally representative cohort study. 

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2017; 27:970-976. 
<>124.Hen-Shoval D, Amar S, Shbiro L, Smoum R, Haj CG, Mechoulam R, Zalsman G, Weller A, Shoval G. 

Acute oral cannabidiolic acid methyl ester reduces depression-like behavior in two genetic animal models of depression. 

Behav Brain Res. 2018; 351:1-3.
<>125.Stevanovic D, Zalsman G.

Changes in cognitive distortions and affectivity levels in adolescent depression after acute phase fluoxetine treatment.

Cogn Neuropsychiatry. 2018; 11:1-10.
<>126.Amitai M, Ben Baruch R, Ben-Dor DH, Ben-Ami D, Katz M, Sagy R, Remez R, Liav N, Leibovich M, Apter A, Weizman A, Zalsman G.

Predictors of suicidal behaviors during hospitalization among adolescents admitted due to suicidal behaviors: A 10-year retrospective naturalistic study.

Arch Suicide Res. 2019; 11:1-28. [Epub ahead of print]
  1. Shbiro L, Hen-Shoval D, Hazut N, Rapps K, Dar S, Zalsman G, Mechoulam R, Weller A, Shoval G.
    Effects of cannabidiol in males and females in two different rat models of depression.
    Physiol Behav. 2019; 201:59-63.
<>128.Shelef L, Brunstein Klomek A, Fruchter E, Kedem R, Mann JJ, Zalsman G.

Suicide Ideation Severity is associated with Severe Suicide Attempts in a Military Setting.

Eur Psychiatry. 2019; 61:49-55.
<>129.Zalsman G. 

Suicide Among Physicians in Israel and Worldwide

Harefuah. 2020; 159:72-73. [Hebrew]
<>130.Zalsman G. 

Suicide: Epidemiology, Etiology, Treatment and Prevention.

Harefuah. 2019;158:468-472. [Hebrew].
<>131.Shoval G, Balicer RD, Feldman B, Hoshen M, Eger G, Weizman A, Zalsman G, Stubbs B, Golubchik P, Gordon B, Krivoy A.

Adherence to antidepressant medications is associated with reduced premature mortality in patients with cancer: A nationwide cohort study.

Depress Anxiety. 2019; 36;921-929.
<>132.Shlosberg D, Amit BH, Zalsman G, Krivoy A, Mell H, Lev-Ran S, Shoval G.

Cognitive Impairments in Abstinent Male Residents of a Therapeutic Community for Substance-Use Disorders: A Five-Year Retrospective Study. 

Subst Use Misuse. 2019;54:538-548. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2018.1517800.








<>1.Lupu T, Braw Y, Sacher Y, Zalsman G, Ratmansky M.

Cogstate Brief Battery: Cognition and Feigned Cognitive Impairment in Chronic Pain Patients

Eur Psychiatry
  1. Ophir Y, Hamburger YA, Brunstein Klomek A, Levi-Belz Y, Hadlaczky G, Yom-Tov E, Zalsman G, Gould M
    The Ethics of Suicide Research Online: A Consensual Protocol for Crowdsourcing-based Studies on Suicide
    Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior



<>1.Zalsman G, Hermesh H, Munitz H.

Alprazolam withdrawal delirium.

Clin Neuropharmacol, 1998; 21(3): 201-202.
<>2.Zalsman G, Cohen DJ. 

Multiplex developmental disorder.

Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 1998;35(4):300-6
<>3.Zalsman G, Sever J, Munitz H. 

Hair loss associated with paroxetine treatment: a case report.

Clin Neuropharmacol. 1999 Jul-Aug;22(4):246-7.
<>4.Zalsman G, Hermesh H, Sever J. 

Hypnotherapy in adolescents with trichotillomania: three cases.

Am J Clin Hypn. 2001 Jul;44(1):63-8.
<>5.Zalsman G, Dror S, Gadoth N. 

Hypnosis provoked pseudoseizures: a case report and literature review.

Am J Clin Hypn. 2002 Jul;45(1):47-53.
<>6.Zalsman G, Lewis R, Konas S, Loebstein O, Goldberg P, Burguillo F, Nahshoni E, Munitz H. 

Atypical neuroleptic malignant syndrome associated with risperidone treatment in two adolescents.

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2004 Apr-Jun;16(2):179-82. 





<>1.Feld J, Zalsman G, Apter A

Violence and homocide in psychotic patients

Harefuah [Hebrew], 2001;140:51-54 
<>2.Gad A, Zalsman G, Tyano S. 

Somatization disorder in children and adolescents

Harefuah [Hebrew]. 2002 Jan;141(1):39-43, 126. Hebrew. 
<>3.Zalsman G, Frisch A, Apter A, Weizman A. 

Genetics of suicidal behavior: candidate association genetic approach.

Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 2002;39(4):252-61. Review. 
<>4.Zalsman G, Shoval G

Nonpharmacological therapies for trichotillomania

Expert review of neurotherapeutics 2002 , 2(2): 212-216
<>5.Portuguese S, Zalsman G.

Psychopharmacology of violent behavior in adolescents

Int J Adolesc Med Health 2003, 15 (3):191-200.
<>6.Pickholtz E, Zalsman G, Tyano S. 

Volatile substance abuse in children and adolescents

Harefuah [Hebrew]. 2003 Jun;142(6):459-63, 484. (Review. Hebrew)
<>7.Geva K, Zalsman G, Apter A

The influence of gender on risk factors for child and adolescent suicidal behavior]

Harefuah [Hebrew] 2003 ;142(3):203-207 
<>8.Abo A, Zalsman G

Terrorism and the adolescent population- a review

Int J Adolesc Med Health 2003 15 (3): 201-2 06.
<>9.Giner L, Nichols CM, Zalsman G, Oquendo MA. 

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and the risk for suicidality in

adolescents: an update.

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2005 Jul-Sep;17(3):211-20. 
<>10.Sher L, Zalsman G. 

Alcohol and adolescent suicide.

Int J Adolesc Med Health. 2005 Jul-Sep;17(3):197-203. 
<>11.Carballo JJ, Oquendo MA, Giner L, Zalsman G,  Roche AM, Sher L, 

Impulsive-aggressive traits and suicidal behaviour in adolescents and young adults with alcoholism 

Int J Adolesc Med Health 2006;18(1):9-15.
<>12.Roche AM, Giner L, Zalsman G

Suicide in Early Childhood: A Brief Review

Int J Adolesc Med Health 2005; 17(3):00-00.
<>13.Carballo JJ, Oquendo MA, Garcia-Moreno M, Poza B, Giner L, Baca E, Zalsman G,  Roche AM, Sher L

Alcohol related disorders, adolescents and the emergency room

Int J Adolesc Med Health  (special issue)

July-Sept. Vol 17, No3, 2005
<>14.Zalsman G,  Brent DA, Weersing R

Depressive Disorders in childhood and Adolescents:  An overview.  Epidemiology, Clinical Manifestation and Risk Factors

Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am 2006;15(4) 827-842
<>15.Zalsman G,  Oquendo MA, Greenhill L, Goldberg PH, Kamali M, Martin A, Mann JJ

Neurobiology of depression in Children and Adolescents

Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am 2006;15(4) 843-868
<>16.Brunstien-Klomek A, Zalsman G, Mufson L.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents (IPT-A)

Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 2007;44(1):40-6.
<>17.Zalsman G, Birmaher B, Brent DA

Depression in children and adolescents

Harefuah [Hebrew]

2006 Apr;145(4):286-91, 318. 
<>18.Shoval G, Schoen G, Vardi N, Zalsman G, 

Suicide in Ethiopian Immigrants in Israel:  A Case for study of the Genetic-Environmental Relation in Suicide.

Archives of Suicide Research 2007 11(2)1-7
<>19.Rotberg B, Schoen Gila, Zalsman G, 

Anxiety Disorder in Children and Adolescence

Harefuah [Hebrew]2008 147:628-633
<>20.Rotberg B, Zalsman G,  Weizman A

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in children and adolescents

Harefuah [Hebrew]2008 147:324-329
<>21.Shani M, Levy M, Zalsman G

Challenges in nutrition-based treatment for weight control in adolescents suffering from schizophrenia[Hebrew]

Harefuah [Hebrew] 2008;147(11):901-5, 939 
<>22.Schapir L, Zalsman G

Bipolar Disorder and Severe Mood Dysregulation in children and Adolescents

Harefuah [Hebrew] 2008;147(6):526-31, 574
<>23.Brukner  Y, Manor I, Zalsman G

Disorders of Socialization in Children and Adolescents

Harefuah [Hebrew] 2009;148(2): 104-108
<>24.Zalsman G, Levy T, Shoval G

Interaction of child and family psychopathology leading to suicidal behavior

Psychiatric Clin N Am. 2008;31(2) :237-46 (SOCIAL SCIENCES, PSYCHIATRY 40/94  IF =1.86) 
<>25.Schlossberg K, Massler A, Zalsman G

Environmental Risk Factors for Psychopathology

Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci 2010:47(2):139-143 (IF=0.9)
<>26.Massler A, Zalsman G

Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorders:  Similarities and Differences

Harefuah [Hebrew] 2011; 159:349-352
<>27.Peskin M, Shpitzer S, Peleg T, Zalsman G. 

Nosology, assessment and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders in early childhood. Harefuah [Hebrew], 2011;150 (4): 353-358
<>28.Schwartz-Lifshitz M, Zalsman G, Giner L, Oquendo MA. 

Can we really prevent suicide? 

Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2012; 14:624-33.
  1. Amitai M, Peskin M, Gothelf D, Zalsman G.
    Autism spectrum disorders: updates and new definitions.
    Harefuah. 2012; 151:167-70, 188. [Hebrew].


  1. Wasserman D, Rihmer Z, Rujescu D, Sarchiapone M, Sokolowski M, Titelman D,Zalsman G, Zemishlany Z, Carli V.
    European Psychiatric Association. The European Psychiatric Association (EPA) guidance on suicide treatment and prevention.
    Eur Psychiatry. 2012; 27:129-41
  2. Amitai M, Sever Y, Weizman A, Zalsman G.
    Childhood and adolescent-onset schizophrenia:  new information and definitions.
    Harefuah 2012; 151:550-3 [Hebrew]


  1. Parellada M, Penzol MJ, Pina L, Moreno C, González-Vioque E, Zalsman G, Arango C.
    The neurobiology of autism spectrum disorders.
    Eur Psychiatry. 2014; 29:11-9.


  1. Schneider C, Taylor D, Zalsman G, Frangou S, Kyriakopoulos M.
    Antipsychotics use in children and adolescents:  An on-going challenge in clinical practice.
    J Psychopharmacol 2014; 28:615-23
  2. Zalsman G, Shilton T.
    Adult ADHD:  a new disease?
    Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract 2016; 20:70-6
<>35.Shlosberg D, Zalsman G, Shoval G.

Emerging issues in the relationship between adolescent substance use and suicidal behavior.

Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci 2014; 51:262-7.
  1. Zalsman G
    Suicide: Epidemiology, Etiology Treatment and Prevention
    Harefua 2019; 158(Special Edition):468-472. [Hebrew]
  2. Shelef L, Schiff M, Zalsman G.
    [The Psychological Impact of a Pandemic Outbreak on Medical Staff – Literature Rrevoew.
    Harefuah. 2020; 159:326-331. [Hebrew]
  3. Shelef L, Zalsman G. The Psychological Impact of Ccovid-19 on Mental Health-Literature Review.
    Harefuah. 2020; 159:320-325. [Hebrew].











<>1.Cohen DJ, Kohn Y, Zalsman G. 

Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. In: Tyano S, Apter A, Weizman

A and Hattab J (eds). 2nd Edition, Textbook of Child Psychiatry [Hebrew]. Dionon press, Tel Aviv, Israel. pp 523-540,1997.
<>2.Zalsman G, Apter A

Serotonergic metabolism and violence/aggression. 

In: Glicksohn J [ed].The Neurobiology of Criminal behavior.

Kluwer Academic Publishing, Boston. Chapter 9, pp 231-250, 2002.
  1. Zalsman G
    Suicidal behavior in children and adolescents
    In: Medicine for the Israeli family [Hebrew] . Sheinfeld J editor
    Israel Medical Association Press. [in press]
  2. Roche AM, Giner L, Zalsman G,
    Suicide among prepubertal children
    in Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
    Freund Publishing House, LTD. London and Tel Aviv pp 33-37, 2005
  3. Sher L, Zalsman G,
    Alcohol as a risk factor in adolescent suicide
    in Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
    Freund Publishing House Ltd London and Tel Aviv, pp 65-72, 2005
  4. Giner L, Nichols CM, Carballeo JJ, Zalsman G, Oquendo MA
    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in adolescent suicide
    in Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
    Freund Publishing House Ltd London and Tel Aviv, pp 81-93, 2005
  5. Caraballo JJ, Oquendo MA, giner L, Zalsman G,  Roche AM, Sher L
    Suicidal behavior in adolescents and young adults with alcoholism
    in Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
    Freund Publishing House Ltd London and Tel Aviv,  pp 137-142, 2005
  6. Zalsman G, Frisch A, Baruch-Movshovits R, Sher L, Michaelovsky E, King RA, Hermesh H, Goldberg P, Gorlyn M, Misgav S, Apter A, Tyano S, Weizman, A
    Is there a genetic factor in suicidal behavior?
    in Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
    Freund Publishing House Ltd London and Tel Aviv, pp 169-177, 2005
  7. Zalsman G, Misgav S, Sommerfeld E, Kohn Y, Brunstein-Klomek A, Diller R, Sher L, Shwartz J, Shoval G, Ben-dor –DH, Wolovik L, Oquendo MA
    Children's depression inventory (CDI) and the children's depression rating scale revised (CDRS-R) for use in Israel
    in Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
    Freund Publishing House Ltd London and Tel Aviv,  pp 179-181, 2005
  8. Brunstein-Klomek A, Orbach I, Meged S, Zalsman G,
    Self complexity and suicide
    in Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
    Freund Publishing House Ltd London and Tel Aviv, 183-190, 2005
  9. Turcin A, Turcin Z, Gregoric H, Kumperscak, Zalsman G, Plesnicar BK
    Suicide attempts among adolescents in northeastern Slovenia over the past 25 years
    in Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
    Freund Publishing House Ltd London and Tel Aviv, pp 265-272, 2005
  10. Engel Z, Mitrani M, Zalsman G
    Environmental  safety modification to prevent suicide in an inpatient adolescent unit
    Suicidal Behavior in Adolescence
    Freund Publishing House Ltd London and Tel Aviv, pp 353-354, 2005
  11. Zalsman G,  Shoval G
    The Link between physical disabilities and suicidality in children and adolescents
    in Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention – A global perspective. Editors: Danuta Wasserman and Camilla Wasserman
    Oxford University Press 2009, pp 661-665 
  12. Zalsman G, Shoval G, Rotstein L
    Pharmacotherapy for Adolescent Depression
    in Handbook of Depression
    editors:  Susan Nolen-Hoeksema and Lori M. Hilt
    Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2009,  pp 571-588
  13. Sher L, Sperling d, Stanley BH, Carballo JJ, Shoval G, Zalsman G, Burke AK, Mann JJ, Oquendo MA
    Trigger for suicidal behavior in comorbid major depression and alcohol use disorders
    in Alcohol and Suicide Research and Clinical Perspectives
    Trafford Publishing, 2007, pp 137-145
  14. Zalsman G
    Chapter 16, Suicidal Behavior in children and Adolescents
    in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 3rd edition
    editor:  Sam Tyano
    Dyonon Tel Aviv University
  15. Zalsman G.
    Genetics of Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents.
    In: Dwivedi Y, editor. The Neurobiological Basis of Suicide.
    Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press; 2012. Chapter 14
  16. Lubbad N, Zalsman G.
    Male Suicidality across the lifespan.
    In:  Sher L and Rice T, editors.  Neurobiology of Men's Mental Health. Nova Science Publishers


Peskin M, Zalsman G.

Genetic process in resilience and vulnerability and the consequence of abuse.

In:  Hodes and Gau, editors. Positive mental health for children and adolescents.

Elseivier Publishers


Zalsman G, Glozman Y.

Suicide in Adolescence.

In:  Mario Pissacroia editor. Textbook of Adolescence Psychopathology.

Piccin publishers


Shelef L, Zalsman G

Dissociation and Habituation as a  Facilitating Processes among Suicide behaviours

In:  Kumar U editor, Handbook of suicidal behavior

Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd; 2017. Chapter 12


  1. Zalsman G
    Suicide and Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents
    In: Pissacroia M editor, Textbook of Mental and Behavioral Disorders in Adolescence
    Padova: Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A. 2018, pp.295-305.




<>1.Zalsman G

Timing is critical:  Gene, Environment and Timing Interactions in Genetics of Suicide in Children and Adolescents

Eur Psychiatry 2010;25: 284-286 



  1. Zalsman G, Arzi R, Adlist D, Apter A
    The psycho-social axis in psychiatric evaluation of inpatient adolescents by semi structured interview-
    Poster session IACAPAP 13th International Congress, San Francisco, CA, 1994.
  2. Zalsman G, Apter A, Weizman A, Frish A
    Genetics of Ttyptophane Hydroxylase in Suicidal Adolescents – Preliminary Data.
    Poster Session, the Annual Congress of the Israel Psychiatric Association, Tel Aviv, 1997.
  3. Horesh N, Zalsman G, Apter A
    Internalized Anger, Self Control and Mastery Experience in Anorexic Adolescents.
    Presented at the 14th International Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP), 2-6, 1998, Stockholm, Sweden.
  4. Zalsman G.
    Schizophrenia and suicide
    Annual Congress of the Israel Psychiatric Association, 11.4.2000, Jerusalem
  5. Zalsman G
    Genetics of suicide
    Annual Congress of the Israel Psychiatric Association, 11.4.2000, Jerusalem
  6. Zalsman G, Sheveid Y, Horesh N, Apter A
    Obsessive compulsive disorder, depression and suicidal behavior in adolescents.
    8th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal behavior, September 6-9, 2000, Bled, Slovenia.
  7. Zalsman G, Frisch A, Tyano S, Apter A
    Tryptophan hydroxylase gene polymorphism and suicidality in adolescents: a family based study.
    8th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal behavior, September 6-9, 2000, Bled, Slovenia.
  8. Zalsman G, Netanel R, Orbach I, Pfeffer S, Apter A
    Human figure drawings in the evaluation of severe suicidal behavior in adolescents
    8th European symposium on suicide and suicidal behavior, September 6-9, 2000, Bled, Slovenia.
  9. Gothelf D, Falk B, Singer P, Kairi M, Poraz I, Frishman S, Constantini N, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Apter A
    Increased food intake and low habitual activity are associated with olanzepine-induced weight gain.
    6th annual meeting of the Israel Society for Biological Psychiatry, Kfar Giladi, 27.3.2001
  10. Zalsman G, Posmanik S, Apter A
    Stressful life events, types of depression and schizophrenia in adolescents.
    The promised childhood congress, Tel Aviv, Israel 30.4-2.5.2001.
  11. Zalsman G, Frisch A, Bromberg M, Apter A, Tyano S, Weizman A
    Family-based association study of serotonin transporter promoter in suicidal adolescents.
    The promised childhood congress, Tel Aviv, Israel 30.4-2.5.2001.
  12. Zalsman G. Pharmacotherapy of violence in adolescents. Second International       Seminar on Violence and Adolescence, Invited lecture. Tel Aviv, July 2-4, 2002. Israel
  13. Zalsman G
    Family based association study of serotonin transporter promoter in  suicidal adolescents.  9th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicide Prevention. Warwick, England 14-17 September, 2002.
  14. Zalsman G, Teper  M, Tyano S, Weizman A.
    Executive functions and social behavior in adolescent schizophrenia.
    EPA spring congress, Rome, Italy 24-27.4.03.
  15. Zalsman G.
    Genetic and Neurobiological Approaches in Suicide Research
    Workshop presentation at the Society of Biological Psychiatry, 59th Annual Scientific Program and Convention, April 29th - May 1st, 2004, at the Waldorf Astoria - New York, NY, USA.
  16. Oquendo M, Zalsman G.  J John Mann.
    Genetics of suicidal behavior in bipolar disorder.
    American Psychiatric Association (APA) annual meeting, 1-6 of May, 2004, New York, NY, USA.
  17. Zalsman G, J John Mann
    Workshop: Genetics of suicide
    10th European symposium on suicide and suicidal behavior, Copenhagen 25-28 August, 2004
  18. Zalsman G, Molcho A, Huang YY, Oquendo MA, Li  S, Mann JJ
    Chairman of session and oral presentation of: μ-Opioid Recptor Binding in Postmortem Brains of   Suicide Victims and Controls.
    10th European symposium on suicide and suicidal behavior, Copenhagen 25-28 August, 2004
  19. Zalsman G, Michaelovsky E, Baruch-Movshovits R, Sher L, , Frisch A, King RA, Hermesh H, Goldberg P, Gorlyn M, Misgav S, Apter A, Tyano S, Weizman A.
    Family-based association study of 5HT2A recptor T102C polymorphism and suicidal behavior in Ashkenazi adolescents.
    Poster  presentation
    American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry annual meeting, Washington DC, October 19-24, 2004.
  20. Zalsman G, Frisch A, Lewis R, Michaelovsky E, Hermesh H, Wolovik L, Sher L, Tyano S, Apter A, Weizman R, Weizman A. Homozygosity for the DRD4 receptor exon III polymorphism may be   associated with depression in Israeli inpatient adolescents.
    WPA international Congress, Florence, Italy, 10-13 November, 2004
  21. Zalsman G, Carmon E, Martin A, Bensason D, Wiezman A, Tyano S.
    Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Risperidone in Adolescents with Schizophrenia: An Open Label Study.
    WPA international Congress, Florence, Italy, 10-13 November, 2004.
  22. Sher L., Stanley B.H., Grunebaum M.F., Burke A.K., Zalsman G., Oquendo M.A., Mann J.J. Lower Cerebrospinal Fluid 5-Hydroxyindolacetic Acid Levels in Depressed High-Lethality Suicide Attempters with Comorbid Alcoholism. Poster at the Society of Biological Psychiatry annual meeting, Atlanta, 2005.
  23. Zalsman G, Huang YY, Oquendo MA, Brent DA, Burk AK, Giner L, Mann JJ.
    COMT (V158M) Met Allele is Associated with Violent Suicide Attempts in Mood Disorders
    Oral presentation at the Society of Biological Psychiatry annual meeting, Atlanta, 2005.
  24. Zalsman G., Anderson GM, Paskin M, Frisch A, Sommerfeld E, Giner L, King RA, Weizman A, Apter A. 
    Correlates of platelets serotonin transporter binding, serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism and clinical phenotype in Ashkenazi suicidal adolescents.
    The 13th congress of the association of European Psychiatrists, Gasteig Munich, Germany, April 2-6 2005.
  25. Nahshoni E, Shpitzer S, Berant S, Zalsman G, Weizman A
    QT Interval and Dispersion in very young children treated with antipsychotic drugs [Poster]
    10th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Biological Psychiatry
    Hagoshrim, Israel, March 21-23, 2006
  26. Bloch Y, Zalsman G, (Chairs) Golubchik P, Keren M, Manor I, Schoen G, Apter A, Ratzoni G
    Workshop-Perspectives in child psychiatry: Depression-is it the same disorder in children and adults?
    10th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Biological Psychiatry
    Hagoshrim, Israel, March 21-23, 2006
  27. Zalsman G,  Huang Y, Oquendo MA
    A Triallelic Serotonin Transporter Gene Promoter Polymorphism (Poster)
    The 11th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour
    Portoroz, Slovenia, September 9th-12th, 2006
  28. Zalsman G Sugden, K, Audenaert, ,
    Novel Scientific Approaches in Suicidology (Chairman or Panel Discussion)
    The 11th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour
    Portoroz, Slovenia, September 9th-12th, 2006
  29. Zalsman G
    In-beween depression, impulsivity and aggression:  familial transmission and gene-environment (Plenary Session)
    The 11th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior
    Portoroz, Slovenia, September 9th-12th, 2006
  30. Zalsman G,
    Neurobiology of adolescent's suicide attempts
    The 11th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour
    Portoroz, Slovenia, September 9th-12th, 2006
  31. Shoval G, Zalsman G,  Polakevitch J, Shtein N, Sommerfeld E, Berger E, Apter A
    Effect of the Broadcast of a Television Documentary on a Teenager's Suicide in Israel on Suicide Rates and Methods (Crisis, 2005;26;20-4)
    The 11th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour
    Portoroz, Slovenia, September 9th-12th, 2006
  32. Zalsman G, Shoval G, Sever J, Sher L, Diller R, Apter A, Weizman A
    Suicidal Behavior, Substance use, and adolescent-onset schizophrenia:  an Israeli 10 year retrospective study
    The 11th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Biological Psychiatry
    Kfar Giladi, Israel, March 27-29, 2007
  33. Zalsman G Apter A
    Gene-Environment Interaction in Pediatric Mood Dysregulation
    The 11th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Biological Psychiatry
    Kfar Giladi, Israel, March 27-29, 2007
  34. Zalsman G, Huang YY, Oquendo MA, Burke AK, Hu X, Brent DA, Ellis SP, Gothelf D,
    A Triallelic Serotonin Transporgter Gene, Life Events and Depression
    15th European Congress of   Eur Psychiatry (EPA)
    Madrid, Spain March 17-21, 2007
  35. Manor I, Meidad S, Zalsman G, Zemishlany Z, Tyano S, Weizman A
    Objective versus subjective assessment of MPH response
    15th European Congress of   Eur Psychiatry (EPA)
    Madrid, Spain March 17-21, 2007
  36. Manor I, Gutnik I, Meidad S, Ben-Dor D, Apter A, Sever Y, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Tyano S
    The possible association in adolescence, between attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and attempted suicide – a pilot study
    15th European Congress of   Eur Psychiatry (EPA)
    Madrid, Spain March 17-21, 2007
  37. Nahshoni E, spitzer S, Berant M, Shoval G, Zalsman G, Weizman A
    QT interval and dispersion in very young children treated and anti-psychotic drugs (poster)
    15th European Congress of   Eur Psychiatry (EPA)
    Madrid, Spain March 17-21, 2007
  38. Zalsman G
    Self-injurious behavior and suicidal behavior in adolescents
    16th European congress of   Eur Psychiatry (EPA)
    Nice, France April 5-9, 2008
  39. Zalsman G
    Suicide in adolescents:  Updates and Future Directions
    18th World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP)
    Istanbul April 30-May 3, 2008
  40. Zalsman G
    Association of polymorphisms of the serotonergic and adrenergic pathway with clinical traits of aggression and suicidality In adolescents:  A Multi – center study (poster)
    55th Annual American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
    Chicago, IL October 28th-November 22nd, 2008
  41. Shoval G, Manor I, Zalsman G
    Empirical Analysis of the Association Between Given Names and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder in Children
    17th European congress of Psychiatry (EPA)
    Lisbon, January 2009
  42. Shoval G,  Weizman A, Zalsman G
    Substance Use, Suicidality and Adolescent – onset schizophrenia – An Israeli Ten-Year retrospective Study
    17th European congress of Psychiatry (EPA)
    Lisbon, January 2009
  43. Zalsman G
    CME Course
    Suicide and Risk Management in Depressed Pediatric Patients
    17th congress of   Eur Psychiatry (EPA)
    Lisbon, Portugal January 2009
  44. Golubchik, P, Sever J, Shoval G, Zalsman G, Weizman A
    Methylphenidate Treatment in ADHD/Borderline Personality Disorder Adolescent Girls and Smoking Behavior
    17th congress of   Eur Psychiatry (EPA)
    Lisbon, Portugal January 2009
  45. Zalsman G,
    Mood Abnormalities and other co-morbidities in adolescent schizophrenia
    Focus on Early Onset Schizophrenia, Institute of Psychiatry
    London, England April 27th-28th, 2009
  46. Golubchik P, Sever J, Zalsman G, Weixman A
    Methylphenidate in the treatment of female adolescents with co-occurrence of ADHD and borderline personality disorder:  A preliminary open label trial
    Israel Assoc of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Hagoshrim Israel March 3-5, 2009
  47. Zalsman G, Galfalvy H, Huang Y, Murphy L, Anango V, Mann JJ
    Genome-wide association study of post-mortem suicide brains
    Israel Assoc of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting,  Hagoshrim, Israel March 3-5, 2009
  48. Manor I, Meidad S, Gutnick Y, Tyano S, Weizman A, Zalsman G
    Possible association between attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, and attempted suicide in adolescents – A pilot study
    Israel Assoc of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting Hagoshrim, Israel March 3-5, 2009
  49. Zalsman G, Galfalvy H, Huang YY, Murphy L, Arango V, Mann JJ
    Genome-Wide Association Study of Post-Mortem Suicide Brains - Poster
    64th Annual Convention of the Society of Biological Psychiatry
    Vancouver, Canada May  2009
  50. Zalsman G
    Genetic of Depression and Suicide in Children and Adolescents
    Nobel Conference June 10th 2009
    Stockholm, Sweden
  51. Shoval G, Feld-Olspanger J, nahshoni E, Gothelf d, Misgav S, Manor I, Apter A, Zalsman G
    Suicidal behavior and related traits among inpatient adolescents with first-episode schizophrenia
    International conference sponsored by ESCAP – Qualit of Life in Child and Adolescent Mental Health August 22-26, 2009
    Budapest, Hungary
  52. Zalsman G
    Chair Session – Child Psychiatry in the community – Clinic, treatment and prevention
    Depression and Suicide in Adolescents
    The 9th Conference for Medicine in the Community Sept. 16th 2009
  53. Zalsman G
    Timing is Critical:  Gene, Environment and Timing Interactions in Genetics of Suicide in Children and Adolescents
    18th European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA)
    Munich, Germany, February 27-March 2, 2010.
  54. Opler, MG, Ivanova E, Yavorsky WC, Liechti S, Zalsman G
    Inter-rater reliability in the assessment of pediatric schizophrenia using the PANSS:  training results from a Russian cohort
    2nd Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Conference
    Florence, Italy April 10-14, 2010
  55. Zalsman G
    Association of Polymorphisms of the Serotonergic Pathways with Suicidality and Impulsive-Aggression in Adolescents:  A multi-center study
    65th  Annual Scientific Convention Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) Louisiana, USA May 20-22, 2010
  56. Zalsman G
    Timing is critical: What can we learn from new data on the developing brain?
    13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior
    Rome, Italy September 1-4, 2010
  57. Zalsman G
    Gene by environment by timing by gender interaction in adolescent suicide
    13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior
    Rome, Italy September 1-4, 2010
  58. Apter A, Zalsman G
    How to write a good scientific paper
    13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior
    Rome, Italy September 1-4, 2010
  59. G. Shoval, J. Feld-Olspanger, E. Nahshoni, D. Gothelf, S. Misgav, I. Manor, A. Apter, G. Zalsman
    Suicidal behavior and related traits among inpatient adolescents with first-episode schizophrenia
    13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behavior
    Rome, Italy September 1-4, 2010
  60. Zalsman G
    Case presentation on a childhood homicide offender
    19th European congress of Psychiatry
    Vienna, Austria, March 12-15, 2011
  61. Zalsman G
    Depression and suicide in early onset schizophrenia
    19th European congress of Psychiatry
    Vienna, Austria, March 12-15, 2011
  62. Zalsman G
    Timing is Critical:  Gene, Environment, Gender and Timing Interactions in Genetics of Suicide in Adolescents
    26th IASP World Congress
    Beijing, China, September 13-17, 2011
  63. Zalsman G,
    Animal model in gene environment and timing interactions in adolescent depression and suicide.
    Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP),
    Philadelphia, PA, USA  May 2012
  64. Zalsman G , Gene environment and timing interactions in adolescent depression and suicide-imaging and anima model stusy. 14th European Symposium of Suicide and Suicidal Behavior  (ESSSB14), Tel Aviv, Israel  September 2012 Invited speaker and chair of the meeting


  1. Zalsman G . Timing is Critical: Gene environment and timing interaction in child and adolescent depression Tri-Annual Congress of the Israeli Psychiatric Association, Tel Aviv, Israel  May 2012


  1. Zalsman G. Genetics of ADHD-A Key for Future treatments?
    The 21st European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA)
    Nice, France April 6-9, 2013


  1. Gutman A, Shbiro L, Weller A, Zalsman G.  Post-weaning short-term stress effects in the WKY rat model of depression and anxiety. 11th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry
    Kyoto, Japan June 23rd-27th, 2013 (Chair)


  1. Zalsman G.
    Assessing Gene X Environment X Timing Interaction in Pediatric Depression using a short term exposure during development and DTI Imaging in a WKY Rat Model, 60th Annual AACAP Meeting
    Orlando, FL USA Oct 22nd-27th, 2013


  1. Krivoy, A, Balicer R, Hoshen, M, Feldman, B, Zalsman G, Weizman A, Shoval G
    Adherence to Antidepressants is associated with lower mortality:  a four-year population-based cohort study, Ispor 19th Annual International Meeting
    Montreal, Canada May 31st-June 4th 2014


  1. Zalsman G.
    Suicidal behavior in Children, 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry
    Munich, Germany March 1-4, 2014 invited speaker


  1. Zalsman G. Siman Tov Y, Tsuriel D
    Quantitative and qualitative psychological autopsy of 70 high school students:  tragic vs. regressive narratives, 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry
    Munich, Germany March 1-4, 2014


  1. Zalsman G
    Ask the experts:  The use of antidepressants in children and adolescents
    24th European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA)
    Madrid, Spain 12-15 March 12-15 (IL) invited speaker


  1. Herhshkovitz L, Hazu N, Shbiro L, Zalsman G. Mechouloam R, Weller A, Shoval G
    Behavioral aspects of cannabidiol treatment for depression and anxiety in an animal model, 18th Annual Conference of the Israeli Biological Society
    Hagoshrim, Israel March 25th-27th, 2014


  1. Zalsman G
    Mood disorders and suicidal ideation and behavior in children and adolescents.
    28th ECNP Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Aug 29th-Sept 1st 2015 Invited Speaker


  1. Zalsman G
    Genetic vulnerability, timing of short-term stress and mood regulation in depression and self-injury
    IASR/AFSP International Summit on suicide research Oct. 11th-14, 2015 Invited Speaker


  1. Zalsman G
    Suicide Prevention Strategies Revisited. 10 year systematic review
    16th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour Oviedo, Spain Sept. 8-10, 2016 Invited Plenary Session


  1. Zalsman G
    Brain fiber tract analysis using diffusion tensor imaging reveals aberrant connectivity in a rat model of depression
    16th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour Oviedo, Spain Sept. 8-10, 2016 Invited Lecture


  1. Zalsman G
    Clinician’s perspective in session on Social media and suicidal behaviour – patients, clinicians and researchers’ perspectives.
    31st ECNP Congress, Barcelona, Spain Oct. 6th-9th 2018 Invited Speaker


  1. Zalsman G
    New insights into self-harm and suicide risk.
    31st ECNP Congress, Barcelona, Spain Oct. 6th-9th 2018 Invited Speaker





  1. Suicidal Behavior in Adolescents – An International Perspective
    Merrick J, Zalsman G.
    Freund Publishing House Ltd  London and Tel Aviv, 2005
  2. Zalsman G, Brent DA (Guest editors)
    W.B. Saunders Company Philadelphia, 2006(Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin North AM  Vol 15) pp 827-1088



  1. Zalsman G, Kaplan M
    IACAPAP Venice Working Group: Developing a Declaration for Universal Guidelines for Mental health Services for Children and Adolescents .
    IACAPAP Bulletin 1997;5:1-7.
  2. Boone J, Kaplan D, Kohn Y, Randall R, Thomas L, Weiss G, Zalsman G.
    Trauma and recovery: Report of the 14th congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions.
    IACAPAP Bulletin 1998, 9:1-7.
  3. Zalsman G
    Hypnotherapy in children and adolescents . [Hebrew]
    Yeladim 1999;1:58-59
  4. Apter A, Zalsman G
    Suicidal behavior and depression in adolescents schizophrenia
    Book of the 8th European symposium on suicide and suicidal behavior
  5. Kaidar M, Zalsman G.
    Olanzapine for childhood disintegrative disorder.
    Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci. 2004;41(1):71-2 (letter).
  6. Zalsman G.
    book review: Pediatric Psychopharmacology By Martin, Scahill, Charney,Leckman.
    Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci 2004, 41(1)
  7. Giner L, Zalsman G, Goldberg P.
    Safety of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors 
    Medicina Clinica   124:(18): 719[letter] [Spanish]
  8. Merrick J, Zalsman G
    Suicide in young people.
    BMJ [on-line letter]
  9. Zalsman G, Mann JJ
    The neurobiology of suicide in adolescents. An emerging field of research.
    Editorial for the special issue on suicide
    Int J Adolesc Med Health 2005; 17:195-196.
  10. Zalsman G,  Brent DA
    Child Adolesc Pshychiatric Clin N Am 2006; 15 xvii-xix
  11. Zalsman G,  Mann JJ
    A Triallelic 5-HTTLPR, Stressful Life Events and Depression Severity
    Am J Psychiatry [Letter] 2007 164-65
<>12.Sher L, Sperling D, Zalsman G,  Vardi G, Merrick

Alcohol and Suicidal behavior in adolescents

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פרסים ומענקים

  • מחלקת יום לנוער בראשותו הוגדרה כמרכז מצוינות של הכללית שלוש פעמים ברצף בשנים 2011  ו 2014 וב2018

  • מחלקת יום בראשותו קיבלה פרס מנהל המוסד ב 2007

  • מורה מצטיין בפקולטה לרפואה בשנת תשס"ט- בחירת הדיקן

  • גיוס כספים לקרן מחקר למניעת אובדנות בראשותו בגהה במאות אלפי שקלים

  • מענקי מחקר בארץ ובארה"ב (מפורטים בקורות חיים באנגלית)


השכלה ניהולית

  • תואר שני במנהל מערכות בריאות מאוניברסיטת בן גוריון בהצטיינות יתרה- M.H.A

  • בוגר קורס עתודה ניהולית לדרג הביניים של כללית. 300 שעות במשך שנתיים וחונכות אישית של 70 שעות


השכלה מקצועית

  • בוגר ביה"ס לרפואה של האוניברסיטה העברית והדסה עין כרם – B.Sc., M.D.

  • התמחות בפסיכיאטריה כללית בבי"ח גהה

  • התמחות-על בפסיכיאטריה של הילד בבי"ח גהה. בחינת שלב ב' בהצטיינות.

  • שנהFellowship  במרכז לחקר הילד באוניברסיטת ייל בקונטיקט בגנטיקה מולקולרית (1996).

  • שנתיים Fellowship במחלקה לפסיכיאטריה באוניברסיטת קולומביה בניו יורק בגנטיקה ואפיגנטיקה של התנהגות אובדנית (2003-2005)

  • מורשה משרד הבריאות להיפנוזה

  • בוגר התוכנית הארבע שנתית לפסיכותרפיה באוניברסיטת ת"א

  • דיפלומה בלימודי המשך בפסיכיאטריה, הפקולטה לרפואה אוניברסיטת ת"א

  • דיפלומה בלימודי המשך בפסיכיאטריה של הילד, אוניברסיטת ת"א

אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>