Subcortical control of motor planning and execution
09 בינואר 2025, 14:10 - 15:30
Room 103, in the “bridge” connecting Sherman and Britannia buildings
You are invited to a Joint Neuroscience Seminar on
Thursday, January 9th at 14:10 (please note the time)
Prof. Yifat Prut
Hebrew University
Title: “Subcortical control of motor planning and execution”
Please note the location: The seminar will take place in: Room 103, in the “bridge” connecting Sherman and Britannia buildings.
From the ground floor outside of the buildings under the bridge please take the elevator to the 1st floor
If you would like to meet with the speaker, please sign up here:
Contact Person: Arseny Finkelstein
Contact Person: Pablo Blinder
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